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Whilst the police regarded this as a hate crime the judge disagreed.

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Killing in the name of otherness Prum, M. This article focusses on the killings of two Travellers by two farmers.

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Roma stigmatization and ghettoization and, Rohlof Shifting the Focus? Moral Panics as Civilising and Decivilising Processes.

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In this work in progress I am keen to explore and deconstruct the common ground between Gypsies and Gay people beginning with legislation passed during the 16th Centuries in England such as death penalties for being a Gypsy or being perceived to be a Gypsy, and, laws resulting in death sentences for males involved in acts of buggery. The relevance of The Holocaust for lessons still not learned today referred to as the porajmos by Roma people particularly the annihilation of thousands of Roma Gypsies, and, slaughter of tens of thousands of gay men arrested under Paragraph by the Nazis is another issue that begs investigation which may enlighten debate further as to the decivilising offensive.

Despite this apparrent departure in common shared experiences based on oppressive laws it may be argued that the two groups continue to be tainted with stigma which can result in discrimination ranging from the covert to outright hate crimes against them. Thus a degree of common ground is still evident between these groups underlined by occasional moral panics which in themeslves may be envisaged as attempts to decivilise members. In particular, in the case of the cake row, despite considerable parity achieved between gays and straights via recent legislative changes I believe this underscores an attempt to ensure that gay men remain subjugated to a degree by some of their heterosexual bretheren.

This is despite the varied sexual procilvities enjoyed by untold numbers of heterosexuals without apparent condemnation in both a legal and moral sense via media amplification not forgetting of course the countless individuals who remain in the closet whilst benefitting from heterosexual privilege. Conversely in England posters appeared online in early available for the public to buy: So, given the issues underscored above, in preparation for my conference paper which I am hopefull will be accepted!


Nothing is ever going to change. Will you have to leave Tullamore? Are you going to be beaten up? But after six or seven weeks she accepted it and three years on, she still supports me in every way she can. Mr Collins said that after coming out he felt that a burden had been lifted. I am off my anti-depressants.

Gay Travellers entering arranged marriages ‘to avoid shame’

There is hope for everyone. He appealed to young Travellers to confide in someone. You are not alone. There are people who will help. I will stand by anyone in this situation. He admitted that the reaction he got from other Travellers had been mixed.


But at the end of the day it only makes me stronger. It can upset you. A nationwide survey in found that 11 per cent of all deaths in the Traveller community were by suicide with Traveller men seven times more likely to take their own lives than men in the general population. Traveller women are six times more likely to take their own lives. Mr Murphy acknowledged that there is a mental health crisis in the general population but said it was exacerbated for Travellers because of issues like lack of accommodation, lack of education, unemployment and discrimination.

Mr Collins said Travellers who have experienced discrimination all their lives discriminate against gays in their own community. James Field is due to start school next September but is unable to get a place. We use cookies to personalise content, target and report on ads, to provide social media features and to analyse our traffic.

Gay Dublin Guide: The Essential Guide To Gay Travel In Dublin Ireland »

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