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In areas that historically are not known for having or being friendly to LGBT people who do not remain closeted , a "first" can make it easier for other openly LGBT persons to enter the field or for those who are closeted to come out. Openly LGBT people being visible in society affects societal attitudes toward homosexuality , bisexuality, and the transgender community on a wider level.

One commonly cited example is Harvey Milk , the first openly gay person to be elected to political office in California , becoming the most visible LGBT politician in the world in the s, after decades of resistance to LGBT people by mainstream culture. Milk encouraged LGBT people to "come out of the closet" during his speeches; as a result of his work and his assassination—along with San Francisco mayor George Moscone —thousands of ordinary people did so.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This article has multiple issues. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page. Learn how and when to remove these template messages. That's a problem! People don't give YouTube documentaries a lot of credit and rightfully so. Most of them are poorly put together and rooted in speculation. This particular documentary however, is pretty convincing, if you can get over the cringy music. Whoever put it together presented authentic photos of Tupac in incriminating situations that we the audience never questioned. For example, my title picture.

What could have possibly been getting ready to take place here? Tupac was the only one with no shoes on.

How being a gay man can make your body issues worse

His pants wrapped around his ackles. What's up with the guy in front of him? Looks like he ready for Pac to top him off ijs. This isn't even the worst of it. He definitely had a special relationship with his boys. I could run a list of examples but its best to check it out and form your own opinion.

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A famous YouTuber who has a reputation for speaking ill of black women did a video giving his opinion on it. He also feels Mr. ThugLife was actually Mr. Now, the reason why this is such a problem is that Tupac basically sold black men prison culture. Think about it. He was always in and out jail. He was always beefing with somebody.

How to be gay in 10 easy steps | Brian Moylan | World news | The Guardian

He was gang affiliated. He wore his pants under his butt and even though pants are a lot tighter these days they are still below the cheeks. In Pac's so called later years he was violent and out of control. His influence still reigns. What has Tupac done for the image of the black man?

Yes, in the beginning he told sad stories about what it's like to be black and poor. But what if we got tricked?

I mean the first time he got shot, it didn't even leave wounds and I know for a fact bullets burn the skin. But we just gonna keep ignoring the trojan horse in the room. I got drug up and down Facebook for my opinion on the matter. Just because it was Tupac. I got called crazy, people were saying " oh you big mad". Why are we so afraid to hold our leaders accountable?

Maybe if we hold our leaders accountable, we could break some of the mindsets that aren't beneficial to us. That downlow gay stuff is lame but its really an epidemic.

I think Tupac was Downlow Gay and Everyone thinks I'm crazy

My sister and I both have entertained men who That's why this issue is so important for me to speak on. Prison rape is real. How fair is that to the women involved? In , 17, black people were diagnosed with the disease. I don't know how many was I have to spell it out. Tupac wasn't good for the culture.

He was just an actor playing a role. Pac wasn't gay. You said he didn't get shot in Quad Studio in 94?

What is your agenda? Everyone knows he got shot. None of Tupac's friends had weapons. Tupac fought back against them with no gun on him. After he got shot 5 times, he went up the elevator, and looked at Jimmy Henchman, Puffy, and Biggie in their eyes.

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  5. what are the most popular gay dating apps.
  6. List of lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender firsts by year - Wikipedia.

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