Prince Manvendra Singh Gohil, heir apparent to the throne of Rajpipla in western Gujarat state, said it was particularly hard to come out in small-town India, where traditional values hold sway and heterosexual relations are the norm. So the prince, 52, is building a center for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people LGBT on the grounds of his ancestral palace. Gohil came out to his family more than a decade ago, prompting his mother to take out a newspaper advertisement disowning him. Erstwhile royalty in India are still in the spotlight, many holding positions in the government.
After coming out, Gohil set up the Lakshya Trust, a charity for LGBT people in his conservative home state, and became a champion for gay rights. He has made numerous international appearances, including on The Oprah Winfrey Show. Gohil said he is renovating and extending his palace, built in , on the acre site, installing solar panels for power, and reserving some land for organic farming.
An online crowdfunding campaign and donations are financing the center, which will be managed by his charity, he said. But in smaller towns, there are not so many places, and that is where they are most needed. Reporting by Rina Chandran rinachandran. Editing by Katy Migiro.
There may be much higher statistics for individuals who have concealed their identity, since a number of homosexual Indians are living in the closet due to fear of discrimination. Homophobia is prevalent in India. In recent years, however, attitudes towards homosexuality have shifted slightly.
In particular, there have been more depictions and discussions of homosexuality in the Indian news media [10] [11] and in Bollywood. India is among countries with a social element of a third gender. Therefore, an individual's sexual orientation is protected under the country's Right to Privacy law. On 6 September , consensual gay sex was legalised by India's Supreme Court. Section of the Indian Penal Code IPC , dating back to , makes sexual activities "against the order of nature" punishable by law and carries a life sentence. One leader, Akkai Padmashali born Jagadeesh was influential in the protests and demonstrations that eventually led to the repealment of Section of Indian Penal Code.
Ondede, in Kannada , means convergence and this is what she envisioned for the society of India as a whole. She wanted Ondede to be a place where people of all sexual orientations spoke openly of their concerns. They develop partnerships with community groups through social movements, engage with the state and conduct research. On 9 August , then health minister , Anbumani Ramadoss began his campaign for changing Section of the Indian penal code , which defines homosexuality as an unnatural act and thus illegal. He said he wants Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to resolve the matter, while he wanted to avoid discord with the home ministry, who said the altered law would then result in an increase in criminal incidences of sodomy or offences involving sexual abuse of children, particularly boys.
In doing so he alleged that the law even penalises health workers who treat homosexuals, while making this a cognizable and non-bailable offence. Various Hindu organisations, based in India and abroad have supported decriminalisation of homosexual behaviours. In , the Hindu Council UK became one of the first major religious organisations to support LGBT rights when they issued a statement "Hinduism does not condemn homosexuality".
He further emphasised the need to change the laws, sensitise the police and judiciary. According to him, after removal of discriminatory laws, marginalised groups would have better access to treatment and prevention facilities like condoms. He warned of the urgency and stated that India had succeeded in checking the spread of AIDS through commercial sex workers but transmission through gay sex, and injectable-drug users was still an area of concern in the country.
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Bharatiya Janata Party senior leader Arun Jaitley stated in February that he supported decriminalisation of homosexuality. That is the progressive way forward. Whether to call homosexuality a crime and treat it as one in this day and age is questionable. The Court held that to the extent S. The High Court did not strike down Section completely. It held the section to be valid in case of non-consensual non-vaginal intercourse or to intercourse with minors, and it expressed the hope that Parliament would legislatively address the issue. On 11 December , on responding an appeal filed by an astrologer Suresh Kumar Koushal and others, [50] the Supreme Court of India upheld the constitutionality of Section of the IPC, and stated that the Court was instead deferring to Indian legislators to provide the sought-after clarity.
We declare that Section IPC, insofar it criminalises consensual sexual acts of adults in private, is violative of Articles 21, 14 and 15 of the Constitution. The provisions of Section IPC will continue to govern non-consensual penile non-vaginal sex and penile nonvaginal sex involving minors Secondly, we clarify that our judgment will not result in the re-opening of criminal cases involving Section IPC that have already attained finality.
Some states are yet to submit their full data. On 18 December Shashi Tharoor , a member of the Indian National Congress , introduced a Private Members Bill for the decriminalisation of Section of the Indian Penal Code in the Lok Sabha , but the motion was rejected by house by a vote of 71—24 with one abstention. However, the motion for introduction was yet again defeated by a division of 58—14 with one abstention. On 2 February , the Supreme Court agreed to reconsider its judgment; it said it would refer petitions to abolish Section to a five-member constitutional bench, which would conduct a comprehensive hearing of the issue.
On 24 August a draft law for the ban of commercial surrogacy was cleared by the Union Cabinet and announced by Sushma Swaraj , the Minister of External Affairs India. The draft bill denied homosexuals from having surrogate children with Swaraj, stating "We do not recognise live-in and homosexual relationships On 24 August , the Supreme Court upheld that the right to individual privacy is an "intrinsic" and fundamental right under the constitution. The judgement noted, "Discrimination against an individual on the basis of sexual orientation is deeply offensive to the dignity and self-worth of the individual.
Equality demands that the sexual orientation of each individual in society must be protected on an even platform. The right to privacy and the protection of sexual orientation lie at the core of the fundamental rights guaranteed by Articles 14, 15 and 21 of the Constitution. Chandrachud in the proceedings of the court held that Choosing a Partner is every person's Fundamental Right [62].
On 6 September , the Supreme Court struck down the part of section , a British-era provision, criminalising consensual homosexual activities. The apex court upheld that other aspects of section criminalising unnatural sex with minors and animals will remain in force. The 11 December judgement of the Supreme Court, upholding Section , was met with support from religious leaders. Usually divisive and almost always seen tearing down each other's religious beliefs, leaders across sections came forward in decrying homosexuality and expressing their solidarity with the judgment.
Homosexuality is against Indian culture, against nature and against science. We are regressing, going back to when we were almost like animals.
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The SC had protected our culture. Maulana Madni, of an Islamic organization, Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind , has echoed similar sentiments by stating that " Homosexuality is a crime according to scriptures and is unnatural. People cannot consider themselves to be exclusive of a society In a society, a family is made up of a man and a woman, not a woman and a woman, or a man and a man. If these same sex couples adopt children, the child will grow up with a skewed version of a family. Society will disintegrate.
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If we are to look at countries in the West who have allowed same-sex marriages, you will find the mental tensions they suffer from. Rabbi Ezekiel Isaac Malekar , honorary secretary of the Judah Hyam Synagogue, in upholding the judgement, was also quoted as saying "In Judaism , our scriptures do not permit homosexuality. The Supreme Court's view is an endorsement of our scriptures. He was quickly anointed by the Indian and the world media as the first openly gay royal.

He was disinherited as an immediate reaction by the royal family, though they eventually reconciled. Gay International contest said that he was apprehensive about returning to India. He said, "Indian media has exposed me so much that now when I call my friends back home, their parents do not let them talk to me". About 2, people turned out in these nationwide parades. Mumbai held its pride march on 16 August , with Bollywood actress Celina Jaitley flagged off the festivities. On 27 June , Bhubaneswar , the capital city of Odisha , saw its first gay pride parade.
Mumbai has one of its own pride events, like Kashish Mumbai Queer Film Festival which was first held in from 22 to 25 April [77] and in the next year from 25 to 29 May. Madurai celebrated city's first LGBTQ Rainbow festival on 29 July , Anjali Gopalan inaugurated Alan Turing Rainbow festival and flagged off the Asia's first Gender queer pride parade as a part of Turing Rainbow festival organised by Srishti Madurai, a literary and resource circle for alternative gender and sexualities.
The objective of the organisation in to highlight 20 different types of Genders. Chandigarh held its first LGBT pride parade on 15 March and it has been held annually ever since. Rajasthan witnessed its first pride event on 1 March , when a pride walk was held in Jaipur. Awadh witnessed the first Awadh Pride parade in He had trouble finding sponsors. He did not return to India and reportedly sought asylum in the United States. In February , the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare unveiled resource material relating to health issues to be used as a part of a nationwide adolescent peer-education plan called Saathiya.
Among other subjects, the material discusses homosexuality. The material states, "Yes, adolescents frequently fall in love.
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They can feel attraction for a friend or any individual of the same or opposite sex. It is normal to have special feelings for someone. It is important for adolescents to understand that such relationships are based on mutual consent, trust, transparency and respect.
It is alright to talk about such feelings to the person for whom you have them but always in a respectful manner. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. See also: LGBT rights in India. Main article: LGBT history of India. Recognition of same-sex unions in India. LGBT portal India portal. Yip 1 December Ashgate Publishing, Ltd. Retrieved 4 January Archived from the original on 7 April Retrieved 4 April SC rewrites history, homosexual behaviour no longer a crime".
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The Economic Times. Retrieved 6 September ABC News. BBC News. Retrieved 15 May The Telegraph UK. Retrieved 3 April