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If I wanted out why would I want to be connected to my ex years afterwards? Women really need to think about the moral issue with this too. Transitional support for a limited time. Child Support. Equal division of assets.

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Depends on circumstance. The more my ex-husband hears stories like this Alimony for life? I have shared custody with her of my son and I still see my former stepson every other weekend. My trust and admittedly my heart, were shattered by the experience, and I still have to see her every other weekend when I pick up my former stepson and return him at the end of the weekend.

There is no easy way to stop thinking about her as we have to see each other at those times and various school activities and such. All I can say is that it gets better with time. Once I realized that was the case I broke it off. I am a divorced woman in my mid forties. My husband had an affair after 23 years and 3 kids.

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They were still in school. I made more money. I had to fight for custody. If we split custoday, I would be paying HIM-even though he was the cheater and wanted the divorce. As to assets. I got half of his, but he got half of mine. So Evan if your wife left you and took half of your money, you could take half of hers. At least in my state. I have had friends leave abusive husbands and seen them sign the equity in the house over to the husband to keep the funds in their K.

Of course they were entitled to half. A lot of them supported their husbands through school also. So again, they were entitled to this money. In fact, most of the divorces I see are initiated by men who have affairs, split homes, and leave women struggling financially. That would be believable until you see the statistics which show that percent of divorces are initiated by women.

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Clearly women can do no wrong and mostly men are the ones that are divorcing. Statistics also show that percent of men are unhappy in marriages and women are the primary reason. Sometimes I wonder why men even marry, especially men that earn a lot of money. Its beyond stupid. I am divorced and do not receive alimony; nor does any divorced woman I know. However, I wrote a book for women on how to handle dating and relationships with men like yourself. These days, alimony is the exception to the rule, and most wives do not receive it upon divorce.

The purpose of alimony is to provide a level playing field after divorce — e. As far as your prejudice toward women on alimony goes, it may help to remember a couple of things. One, she may have earned it by being in the situation I described above. Two, not all men have to be court-ordered to pay alimony — many agree to it. Yes, find out more about these women before making assumptions. Tough situation, man. With new women, take your time and get to know them.

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There are always people who will rise above the difficulty of a divorce in order to help the children in ways that are not mandated by law. I have been pleased to meet many of these types of people in the online dating world. Many states are moving away from alimony. Suzy and Christie 11 and 12, I was going to say the same thing about stay-at-home moms. In another case, he just told her she was never going to work, period.

I hope these couples are doing well, but hypothetically, if a man puts his wife in this situation and then they split up twenty years later, then yes by all means he owes her alimony, as she has no income of her own, no profession, no work experience and it is all a result of the request he once made.

Sounds fair to me. It is a very rare occasion where I live and I do not know anyone personally that receives it. Women play both sides of the girl card. More men are aware of this blatantly inequitable dichotomy and they are opting out of the game entirely. Alimony is money slavery. But after spending a few seconds thinking about it, it occurred to me that much of the advice on this site applies equally to same-sex relationships including this thread.

So before you get too distracted with tangents, did you have a specific question about how to trust a new boyfriend after getting screwed over with palimony? Right now you sound very bitter and you are really not ready for any type of relationship. I used to be in your very same shoes.

Thouhgt we would be married all of our lives.