Top 10 gay movies

The young teacher Ernst Ostertag falls head over heels in love with the transvestite star Robi Rapp and finds himself torn between his bourgeois existence and his commitment Stefan Haupt Stars: Not Rated 84 min Drama, Romance.

The top 30

This sequel to Yossi and Jagger finds Dr. Yossi Gutmann reminiscing about his love ten years after his death; however, as he encounters a group of young soldiers, one of them, Tom, reignites his romantic feelings. Eytan Fox Stars: Ohad Knoller Yossi is just brilliant on this movie! One of the best gay movies I've ever seen! It's more powerful than its first, more romantic, more funny and much more touching.

R 97 min Drama, Romance. Former Danish servicemen Lars and Jimmy are thrown together while training in a neo-Nazi group. Moving from hostility through to friendship and finally passion, events take a darker turn when it's discovered. Nicolo Donato Stars: The director Nicola Donato is brilliant, he makes you feel all the sex tension in the air, the emotions erupting and colliding, the confusion and the sparkle of hope growing in the middle of hate and death. The characters are very real, the actors are all superb, and the ending is something you didn't see it coming, but when it happens, you just understand the whole point of all: Special thanks to Leo Kameni who recommended this movie to me!

An amazing journey and a movie who will definitely be stuck in your head for a long time! Not Rated min Comedy, Drama, Romance.

The Best Gay Movies for Men - IMDb

Tommaso is the youngest son of the Cantones, a large, traditional southern Italian family operating a pasta-making business since the s. On a trip home from Rome, where he studies Ferzan Ozpetek Stars: This is truly a masterpiece! The story is not all centered in the gay plot, but in what secrets and the fear of living a happy life can cause to a whole family.

This movie inspire people to follow their hearts, even if other people are against it. Beautiful and sometimes sad, "Loose Cannons" is one of the best movies I've watched this year. Martin seeks for a temporary job at Eugenio's house. When they recognize to be childhood friends, Eugenio offers him work for the summer.

A power and desire game starts and their relationship grows beyond their friendship. Marco Berger Stars: This argentinian movie is a treasure. Beautiful story and amazing actors.

It's gonna get you hooked from the very beginning, and the journey is paid off at the end. Sweet, romantic and absolutely sexy. The sex tension is REAL, and you really feel all the emotions. This is from the same director of Plan B, which is a movie I never really wanted to watch, but now, i definitely will! After his lover rejects him, a young man trapped by the oppressiveness of Edwardian society tries to come to terms with and accept his sexuality. James Ivory Stars: Maurice is about convenience, about people that even knowing they're gay, rather keep living a life as straight.

But it's also about courage, and what comes with that. Very entertaining and surprising! It's not a masterpiece, but it's better than most average movies out there in any genre! Go for it, and you won't regret! R 91 min Comedy, Drama, Romance. Two guys who make a pact to lose their virginity before prom find their friendship tested when one of them comes out of the closet.

Chris Nelson Stars: Finally a gay movie that is really fun and also breaks the typical gay stereotype. Two best friends have their relationship troubled when one of them come out as gay. Great actors, great story and some really embarrassing moments makes this movie a good one! Worth watching it!

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  • 50 Best Gay Movies of All Time - Top LGBT Movies Ever Made.

In Manhattan, film-maker Erik bonds with closeted lawyer Paul after a fling. As their relationship becomes one fueled by highs, lows, and dysfunctional patterns, Erik struggles to negotiate his own boundaries while being true to himself. Ira Sachs Stars: A troubled relationship and its consequences.

Amazing movie about love and commitment! Very real also! They were the perfect loving couple, well, almost.

The 50 best gay movies – the most essential LGBT+ films ever made

Emmanuel wanted a child but Philippe didn't. One day, however, Emmanuel decides to take the plunge, at the risk of losing Philippe. But how do you make a child when you are gay? Vincent Garenq Stars: Very moving and also funny! This french movie was really a treasure to watch. An experience in every scene! One of the best you can find!!

Not Rated 91 min Drama, Romance. Irish writer and political activist Brendan Behan, is befriended as a teenager in a British labor camp by a liberal warden. Peter Sheridan Stars: Not Rated min Drama, Mystery, Romance. Two boyhood friends are separated due to the disappearance of the sister of one of them, then later meet again as teenagers, when one of them has become a pop singer, and they discover feelings that they did not know they had.

Chookiat Sakveerakul Stars: Love Of Siam is a journey through love.

Top 10 Favoriete Gayfilms

The movie not only explores the love between two men, but also between friends and family. The characters are very charismatics, and you'll fall in love for them very easily! There are moments this movie is going to take you by the throat not giving you a second time to process! R 87 min Drama, Romance. Jeff is taking care of everything Mark left behind when he died in an accident.

Mark was about to have a visitor, Andrea, an Italian guy he met online.

Love Time Out?

Jeff and Andrea have the chance to share memories of the Mark they knew while getting to know each other. Yen Tan Stars: While in portuguese, "Tchau" same as Ciao can only mean Good-bye, in italian, Ciao can also mean Hello. And that's what this movie is about, good byes and hellos. What life bring to us, and how everything can be gone in a second. The movie looks a bit Amateur, but its quality and sensitivity is so impressive that at the end you won't even notice the camera's bad positions. This movie is spectacular, it's not so well produced or beautifully done as Tom Ford's "A Single Man", but definitely is one of the best gay movies out there.

Amazing work of art. Not Rated 94 min Drama, Romance. Bavo Defurne Stars: Noordzee, Texas is an amazing movie. I was hooked from the beginning to the end. The characters are complex and unpredictable which make of this experience even better. Definitely a Must-See! I really wanna thank Anna for recommending me this movie! Unrated min Comedy, Drama, Romance. The movie follows a group of young friends in the city of Tel Aviv and is as much a love song to the city as it is an exploration of the claim that people in Tel Aviv are isolated from the Eytan Fox never stop surprising me with his movies: Eytan Fox explores the lives of young adults, in their bubble, living a life without "real" problems, hoping for a better world without war.

The characters are all awesome, and the movie is very touching. How real-life British-American author Christopher Isherwood and his German boyfriend Heinz met and fell in love during the s and the rise of Nazism. Geoffrey Sax Stars: The life of Christopher Isherwood A Single man told by such an extraordinary movie! I'm very impressed with these actors! Such a beautiful story of love, war and friendship. Unrated 88 min Drama, Romance. A successful male escort describes in a series of confessions his tangled romantic relationships with his two roommates and an older, enigmatic male client.

Allan Brocka Stars: Yes, this film is absolutely amazing. The main character "X" is very complex and unpredictable. And that's one of the things that keeps you hooked on the movie! This movie analyses how the gay scene deals with love, and I found every single thing on this movie very true about it. A chronicle of 36 hours in the lives of a number of interconnected gay men in Clapham, South London. Adrian Shergold Stars: This movie is SO good!! The characters are very complex, and the actors are superb!