Main article: Kinsey Reports. LGBT culture in the Philippines. See also: Psychology Help Center. Retrieved 23 June Retrieved 9 December Retrieved Fox News. Published online. Retrieved January 1, Sexual identity, sexual attraction and sexual experience among a representative sample of adults".
Homosexual experience and recent homosexual encounters". Sex Health. Archived from the original on Retrieved 30 January Roy Morgan Research. Retrieved 29 September Ibope in Portuguese. Kingston, ON: Queen's University. Forum Research. Statistics Canada. Oxford University Press.
BMC Public Health.
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CS1 maint: IFOP Report. Mostly Indian Girls are affected from France girls. ACSF investigators". December Retrieved 1 May Due to the intimate and sensitive subject addressed sexuality , IFOP has chosen to use a self-administered online method. In fact, this survey mode offers respondents the possibility to speak about themselves without taking the risk of being judged by the interviewer.
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Gays, bis et lesbiennes: Retrieved 30 October IFOP in French. July The Irish study of sexual health and relationships PDF. Crisis Pregnancy Agency. Retrieved 18 April Archives of Sexual Behavior. New York: Subscription required help. Retrieved 23 May Schellevis; Ine Vanwesenbeeck Findings From a Dutch Population Survey". Am J Public Health. Retrieved 12 October Archived from the original PDF on The New Zealand Herald. Retrieved 28 March Greaves; Fiona Kate Barlow; et al. Archives of Sexual Behavior: Alan R. Child Maltreatment. July 23, Comparison of an internet-based survey and paper-based survey".
Quantity and quality". Sexual orientation explored: A study of identity, attraction, behaviour and attitudes in PDF Report. Estimating the size and composition of the lesbian, gay, and bisexual population in Britain PDF Report. The Observer.

The Independent. Journal of Homosexuality. Bailey, Robert; E.
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Foot, Winona; Throckmorton, Barbara Human Sexual Behavior: A Comparison of College and Internet Surveys". Birnbaum, Michael. Psychological Experiments on the Internet. Academic Press. Pew Research. PLoS One. Arch Sex Behav. Retrieved August 4, Lesbian , gay , bisexual , and transgender LGBT topics. Academic fields Discourse. Community Culture. Gender identities Sexual identities Sexual diversities.
Asexual Bisexual Heterosexual Homosexual. Detransition Erotic target location error Gender and sexual diversity Gender binary Gender essentialism Gender roles Hermaphrodite Human female sexuality Human male sexuality Intersex Sexuality and gender identity-based cultures. LGBT history. Mollies Urnings.
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Rights and legal issues. Biology Birth order Demographics Environment Heterosexual—homosexual continuum Homosexuality and psychology Kinsey scale Klein Grid Neuroscience Prenatal hormones Sexual inversion Sexual orientation change efforts Conversion therapy Sexual orientation identity Timeline of sexual orientation and medicine.
Social attitudes Prejudice Violence. Adolescence is a time of transition not just for teens, but for their parents too. Many parents face their teen's emerging sexuality with a mix of confusion and worry. They may feel completely unprepared for this next stage of parenthood. And if their child is gay, it may bring a whole new set of questions and concerns. Some are surprised to learn the truth, always having thought their child was straight. Others wonder whether the news is really true and whether their teen is sure.
They might wonder if they did something to cause their child to be gay — but they shouldn't.
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There is no evidence that being gay is the result of the way that someone was raised. Fortunately, many parents of gay teens understand and are accepting right from the start. They feel they have known all along, even before their teen came out to them.
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They often feel glad that their child chose to confide in them, and are proud of their child for having the courage to tell them. Other parents feel upset, disappointed, or unable to accept their teen's sexual orientation at first. They may be concerned or worried about whether their son or daughter will be bullied, mistreated, or marginalized. And they might feel protective, worrying that others might judge or reject their child. Some also struggle to reconcile their teen's sexual orientation with their religious or personal beliefs.
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Sadly, some react with anger, hostility, or rejection. But many parents find that they just need time to adjust to the news. That's where support groups and other organizations can help.