Friends say im not gay cause im dating a guy

And we are in San Francisco, after all. Even with all his secretes, this relationship is the most honest and vulnerable I have ever had. We have a bit about getting him home before his wife or husband gets upset. This is the most sexually open city in the country, and I would accept any explanation for his behavior. Open marriage?


But the lack of any rational explanation from him makes me default to the simplest one. Sign in Get started. We both want the same thing like Buttahbenzo the gay thing and even use the same d. Well, i was really over her coz i knew that i will never be with her but we talk to each other like everytime. We are so close we could be married, and i am not sure if i love her, or am in love with her.

I am not lesbian, but she makes the lines blurry. Just her. Thing is she is firmly straight, and has a huge crush on a guy in our school. My problem is very different but also similar to a lot of these. So I have a friend and I realized that I was bi until the beginning of the school year.

Now, we are like semi-best friends. I am not on that level of being a best friend like that so it would be weird if I ask to hangout without any of my other friends. I have told her that I was bi and she said that she was a mix of being surprised, happy, and confused. Rewind to earlier in the year: We had a lock down drill in the ONLY period I have with and decided to sit up front and she comes to sit next to me.

After sitting next to me for a good seconds, she laid her head on my shoulder for what seemed like forever. I kept as still as possible when that happened. Guess who was in that group? So of course I was excited to be in the same group as her. Just like anyone else would be, I was a little pissed off but mostly jealous. One of my concerns is if my behavior is obvious. In almost every quarter, we would be sitting next or in close proximity to one another.

I'm gay and I can't deal with it anymore

The only thing that I hate with my personality is my lack of ability to show affection. I find myself thinking about her a lot on a day to day basis. To be honest, I want her to know so it would make me feel better that she continued to treat me like the person she knew who was just a friend a year ago. What do I do? I am in love with my best friend but she is straight and has a boyfriend she is so funny and pretty she makes me so happy.

But sadly she likes another girl named Chloe who I am friends with. I remember texting her that I like a girl to see how she would react. She started to freak out in a good way and started to guess who by listing girls in our old class. I cried that night. If only she knew. I love her to pieces. We love facetiming though. We once talked for 7 hours straight and we watched movies on Netflix that she showed me by holding the phone to the screen. We also play 20 questions even though we know eachother.

What do I do now? Hey, She probably likes you.

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If you see her staring at ya and when you caught her staring and turning her head away, that means it might be a chance she likes you back. Also, be more romantic, show her evidence that you like her. Touch her hand or smile at her. Be nice, when she needs you be there for her. What should I do!!!! My male best friend is in love wt me. Am older than him and I dont ve e same feelings for him but he told to me he is in with me. Her hair, her jokes, her voice, her freckles, I could go on and on. The problem? Any advice would be absolutely magnificent, thanks. She always kisses me on the cheek and says I feel as though your my other half.

But when I sleep over she keeps her her distance when sober. She says she would never be with a women this is so confusing.

Signs A Guy Might Be Gay

She was really cute. I have a similar problem. Last year I started varsity and met this really funny gay guy and we hit it off and became good friends. This year has been a hectic one emotionally for me and we have gotten super close. He is so supportive and such an amazing friend, we talk about everything from sex, heartbreak to random theories about the universe. He has even said we are soul mates.

The only problem is that I am crazy, head-over-heals in love with him! On my channel my fans have shipped me with my best friend, who I have a massive crush on. For appearances, we go along with it in the videos and now it has become an inside joke within my friends. Because of this, we often act a little more than platonic, but I dont know how much is a joke anymore. I want to share my feelings and hoping that you all give me some advice and realization about my situation. Im so confused that time cause she has a boyfriend and she looks so girly that you will never suspect her as bi or lesbi.

I really like her until now but i never open again our conversation that we have that night and same with her because of awkwardness i guess. But maybe she knows that i like her so she said that to make me confess to her or maybe shes up to something. Thats why im so confused right now she gave me alot of mixed signals and i hate it cause i dont know what to do. So give me some advice and knock my senses that she will never ever love me back.. It sounds like she had a little too much to drink.

I imagine that she is bi-curious and might be up to something. She may be trying to get a confession out of you if you have been dropping hints towards her for a while or she might actually me interested in you. I know that looks can be deceiving, especially since no one has pinned me as bisexual yet — so she might at least be bisexual. Best of luck, keep us updated!

Everytime I see her I grin and I just always look forward to seeing her. She even said she was questioning her sexuality after my other friend asked her. I feel like sometimes she might feel the same way. I always try to cuddle with her at sleepovers but she hates it.

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She means so much to me and I value my friendship with her too much to even risk the chance of losing her. I think about her every minute of the day and wonder what would happen if I did tell her.

Haha, is this my life story? Does she only flirt whenever she is drunk? She is obviously not afraid to at least be moderately intimate since she allows your tongues to touch and spoons you while despising affection. I personally think that she is into you since she is overlooking her negative feelings for affection. But, be prepared for any outcome and remember that almost everything heals with time. Good luck and keep us updated!

And I think she has feelings for me because: She sticks her tongue out at me and I do it back. We make weird faces. And she compliments me kinda often.