Gay dating buenos aires

Argentina is extremely progressive with LGBT rights. It was the first country in Latin America to legalise gay marriage in July , which included full adoption rights. The right to change legal gender has been in place since Unlike on Airbnb, you know your host is gay, avoiding any nasty surprises when you check in. It is also a great way to meet gay locals and discover the underground gay scene. These are places we tried, loved and welcomed us as a gay couple:.

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Mio Hotel is one hell of a sexy hotel. You will swoon from the moment you enter — it just oozes class from every crevice. Even the cute hotel staff will charm the pants of you. The rooms are elegantly designed to offer intimacy and luxury. The carved wooden bath tub is the crowning glory centre piece where Sebastien spent many hours deliberating over life's most existential issues. Patios de San Telmo is a stylish and chic boutique hotel, which was originally used as a family home in the s, but subsequently abandoned due to the Yellow Fever epidemic.

It has since been restored to its former glory and converted into a hotel with the original features still in place. We love the high doors and ceilings as well as the really quirky art exhibitions on display. It is located right in the heart of San Telmo, close to the vibrant Sunday market and gay gems like Pride Cafe and Tuesday queer tango classes of Maldita Milonga. What constitutes a bar, disco or club is quite blurred, so we've put them all here under one heading. Also take note that Argentinians start the night very late, so most places don't get busy until well after midnight.

For this reason we advise you factor in a disco nap. What's the first thing you think about when you come to Buenos Aires other than Madonna's Evita? At its inception in the s, tango was originally danced between 2 men in the back alleys of Buenos Aires. Therefore, the men practised with each other. San Telmo is our favourite neighbourhood. It's bursting with character, full of history, street art and has an awesome Sunday market. The cobblestone streets of the neighbourhood are lined with antique and souvenir sellers.

Buskers and tango dancers perform on almost every other street corner, adding to the intensely colourful atmosphere. This is a definite must see in the city. We completely fell in love with it and are certain you will too. These are the city's famous steakhouses.


The parilla itself is the name of the large iron grill in which the meat is barbecued. A candlelit dinner while watching a tango show is one of the best memories we have of Buenos Aires.

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The food is a delicious mix of Argentinian classics and the show is based on a story of the evolution of tango with some of the sexiest and impressive dancers you've ever seen. The location is at the bottom end of the Puerto Madero neighbourhood, so you get some pretty stunning night views across the river when it's all lit up.

Also at the end of the show, the performers offer a dance class as part of the experience so you can learn the basic moves to show off back home. The Argentine experience is the ultimate cooking class in the city! We came here with a group of friends and had an amazing evening. We had an empanada contest sadly we didn't win and learnt how to prepare the perfect mate popular bitter tea drunk everywhere in Argentina.

Markus for Men is a male only day spa offering massages and a very cool Jacuzzi to relax in. It's not a sex sauna — simply a spa for men, both gay and straight. It does of course help that the masseurs are incredibly attractive young men who are ever so talented with their hands. Polo is like hockey, except on a horse and quite difficult because you have to really reach down from your horse with your stick to hit the ball. For more inspiration, check out our article about 5 romantic things to do in Buenos Aires. There's so much more to do in the city of course. We've focused on what we tried and loved but please feel free to put your own experiences in the comments below: What happens if you suffer from illness, injury, theft or a cancellation?

Buenos Aires Gay Travel Guide - Plan a perfect gay trip to Argentina!

With travel insurance, you can have peace of mind and not worry. We love World Nomads travel insurance and have been using it for years. Their comprehensive coverage is second to none and their online claims process is very user friendly. Support can include anything from practical advice, to free evacuation from areas with extreme weather or security risks. You can read more about CloseCircle in our article about how to stay safe whilst traveling. You'll particularly need it in countries where gay dating apps are blocked by the government. We recommend ExpressVPN , a reliable and cost effective service which we used and loved during our travels.

We love Booking. Kai Kaelien said:. Napoleon Registered Dec 23, Their young-ish though, early 20s I think and the German guy isn't out with his parents. The Venezuelan is out with everybody, I think.

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They're both tall and everyone in our group o' straighties likes them both, so I don't think that there's any drama with them. Plus, they knew that they had a limited time frame anyway, so drama would have been a waste of a precious resource time. Before this, we also had a tall gay couple what is it with our extended group attracting tall gays? But the Argentine wasn't from Buenos Aires, but rather down south.

So maybe the fact that he was from la provincia hence his nickname "El Corderito" , meant that they didn't have that much drama either. Also, when it's just one or two gay couples with a bunch of straights, I don't think that there's any of the jealousy factors that you might normally have, because no one is trying to steal their man and all of the girls are smothering both of them with love and attention. So maybe try to find someone from outside of the city and then hang out with a bunch o' straights when you do. Does that help? Experiences vary. I married an Argentine, but he is by far the cream of the crop.

I've dated a few other Argentine guys before the marriage, though. Some were way too into me, which ultimately turned me off. Others played really hard-to-get, exhibiting the same behavior the OP mentions about being totally into me one second and totally disinterested the next. One thing that is drastically different about homo-dating versus hetero-dating is that you really don't need to have a friend in common in order to talk to a guy. In other words, it's perfectly acceptable to go up to a guy in a gay bar and say whatever comes to mind.

Guide to Latin America

From what I've been told by hetero guys here, this is a no-no with women -- unless of course you have a friend in common who has been the woman's friend since elementary school. All in all, I think that we gay guys have it a lot easier than our hetero counterparts. Except that the guys are way more dramatic than straight guys, who from what I've read can be pretty damn dramatic, haha I actually just talked to a young gay argentine, and he said that the gays here are often dramatic for absolutely no reason whatsoever -- and he made sure to include himself in that analysis.

I mean, gays in the US are dramatic too, but they at least tend to have a reason for it regardless how stupid a reason it is. It seems to me that guys here will like you one day, and then literally decide on a whim that they don't like you the next day.

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  • It's crazy. If only they weren't so hot, with the perfect body obsession, the green eyes, and the designer clothes You must log in or register to reply here.