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I saw you and I decided to introduce myself. We ordered a round of and ended up the whole night. He asked me if I was trying to tell him I was bisexual. I said that I only wanted to be with him, and he said he felt the same way. We all have sexual fantasies, right? I want him to feel comfortable, and I also want him to know that he can be honest with me.
Is it normal to have sexual fantasies about things that we have no intention of doing? How else can I walk through this with him? Is it O. Cheryl Strayed: Steve Almond: I understand your desire to avoid confronting all the hard truths here. Play it casual at first and only shower him with attention when on a date. After a while, you'll get really comfortable around him. Whatever you do, don't make him your "best-friend-in-the-world!
Pick your dates carefully. Go for a walk, or go to the movies. You don't have to do this every weekend, but do it at least every other weekend. Again, if you feel you're being "clingy", lay off for a while. Don't stop being his friend, unless you don't like him. Have a relationship conversation. If you are confident that he likes you, go to a neutral place where you can talk like a coffee shop. Be honest to him about your feelings. Tell him what you want out of the future. Try saying something like: Keep your calm.
When asking him out, don't get too nervous. If you do, try to hide it. It is natural to get nervous, and it shouldn't matter if you are. He is probably as nervous as you are.
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Respond to his decision. It can go in two ways, but regardless you should be proud of yourself. Making it this far is not easy for everyone to do. If he says yes, celebrate! You guys are now free to be in a loving relationship that you will cherish. If he says no, don't sulk. Try to initiate a conversation about how you want to be friends. You could be honest and ask him if he still wants to be friends. This is the time to lay everything out on the table. Have fun!
Not everything in a relationship is drama! Laugh at yourselves when something is funny, and joke around with each other. This will bring your relationship to another level.
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A guy approached me and told me he loved me, I was scared so I turned him down, now I'm in love with him. What do I do? If the guy still likes you, tell him what you just said. Tell him that you were scared and didn't know what to do, so you automatically turned him down, but now you've accepted that you have feelings for him.
Yes No. Not Helpful 3 Helpful If I were you I wouldn't just approach a guy out of knowhere and say that you like him. If you want to approach a guy you have a crush on, first take it slow and become friends, get to know the guy more, and find common interests. Then after being his friend for awhile, find a place where you can be alone so you can tell him that you like him. Of course, if he reacts badly, don't continue because it's not worth it. If he reacts in a positive way, that's great, but no matter what give him space and let it take its course.
Not Helpful 1 Helpful Most likely yes. There's no need to be afraid. Very few people find real love at your age, though many people have superficial relationships. Just be yourself, be patient, and focus on your goals, interests, and self-improvement. Eventually you'll probably meet the right person, whether in your teens or in your twenties or later.
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Not Helpful 11 Helpful How can I tell if a boy I made eye contact with on vacation is interested in me? Be yourself and be available! If you're on vacation, why not go for it? Straight up ask him!
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You aren't gonna be there forever so make the most of it while you can. If it goes badly - what have you lost? Not Helpful 2 Helpful What do I do if no one in my school is gay and I am still in the closet? How would I spend time with someone outside of school? First of all, there are other gay people at your school, they just aren't out either. Eventually they will be. There are many national organizations with local chapters. Not Helpful 4 Helpful I'm too shy to ask out a guy cause I'm scared he is straight and might hit me for hitting on him.
I'm 16 - what do I do? Don't do anything that will put you in an unsafe situatuion. Go slowly; try to spend a little time with him and find out how he feels about gay people before you open up to him. Learn to stand up for yourself and fight back. If you're in school, don't be afraid to tell a teacher or administrator about what another student is doing to you. The school can punish the bully accordingly or adjust your schedule so that you don't have to interact with them.
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However, they may still be a straight ally. You could check social media -- many people have their sexualities in their bios. However, the best thing would to befriend them, then simply ask. They still may refuse to answer, however.
If that happens, do not try to push the issue.