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Not only do we make sure that you are safe on our site by protecting your personal information, our customer care team also manually verifies each new user and deletes inactive members.

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Still a bit unsure about how successfully we can find you love? Don't be! We will focus your search and make it easier for you meet Polish singles. In a major study by Harvard and Chicago universities found that marriages beginning via online dating were both more satisfying and less likely to end in divorce. The majority of our members are educated professionals aged between 30 — 55 looking for a long-term partner who they have a real connection with.

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At EliteSingles we understand that as many of our members have busy active lives they may not have the time to scroll through hundreds of profiles pages. We make it easier for you by only introducing you to like-minded singles with whom you have a common background and shared interests. Before we can match you with eligible singles, we ask all of our members to complete a personality test. We want to make it easy for you to integrate your love life into your day-to-day schedule. By trying Polish dating with EliteSingles, you will boost your chances of meeting Polish singles you are truly compatible with.

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One of the biggest reasons to search for 'Polish dating in Canada' is surely to connect with someone who appreciates what it is like to have Polish roots. However, while shared heritage can certainly be part of a rewarding relationship, it is not the only thing that makes love last. That's why encourage our users to be as specific as possible when looking for love on our site, both in their profiles and when filling in the personality test.

Perhaps you are also looking for a match who can share your Christian values , or who is a fellow Edmonton single , or who wants children. Whatever your personal preferences, our dedicated matching system is here to help you find someone who suits you. This means that a vast majority of our members are also in the prime of their careers , and are looking for an equally successful partnership. We help these single professionals make the most of their precious leisure time by ensuring that our site is smoothly designed, and extremely efficient our dating app certainly helps on that front!

This doesn't mean that we skimp on service however - our Customer Care team is here with support if needed and, when there is a free minute, there's up-to-the minute dating advice to be found in our magazine. The singles who use our site may have varied careers and come from a wide variety of backgrounds Polish and otherwise. However, there is one main thing that unites them - the desire to be done with flings and to find long term, lasting love and even marriage!

Indeed, our Canadian members are serious about finding love - real love. We're serious about helping them find it. Whether you want to meet someone who personally understands the Polish dating scene, or whether you're looking to cast the dating net a little wider, EliteSingles is the right site for those seeking long term commitment. If that sounds like your aim, then get started with us today.

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