My partner gay dating

More often than not, your gut instinct is right. They check out every woman they find attractive. He may not make comments on other women, but he comments on another guy and how he looks. Of course, straight men comment on other men, but, usually in extreme circumstances. If the guy is really good looking or has a specific physical trait. Instead, your boyfriend scans every man that walks by, maybe even making eye contact.

However, in Western cultures, usually physical contact between men is kept to a minimum. Your boyfriend cannot stand gay men.

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Why is he so angry about people who are gay? Most straight men do not care about what gay people do.

Dear Coleen: My boyfriend uses gay dating apps but he just won’t discuss it

Why are most men afraid of homosexuals? If you two never really had much of a sex life, ask yourself why. I mean, if he asks occasionally, not a big deal. Maybe you found out he has an account on a gay dating site. Maybe he has a lot of different men on his social media, many of them mutual friends. No one has copious amounts of men or joins a gay dating site just out of harmless curiosity. But, there are other forms of sexuality on the spectrum.

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He could be bisexual. However, this is something he needs to figure out. Maybe you surfed the internet and found some of his favorite porn sites. This is really the only way you know for sure where he stands with his sexuality. There are different types of sexuality other than straight and gay. He could be bisexual in which he is sexually attracted to both women and men. Is your boyfriend gay? If you notice that he matches some of these signs, the only way to really find out is to ask him. I have told him I need to speak to him. I'm so hurt I don't know what to do or say.

I have a question many late nights many things during sex many things I wasn't getting from this man and some have another he is going to continue lying to me and I know that.

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I even told him I'd be his friend and not from a ex girlfriend prospective. I just wanna share this bec I think I have the same situation. I have a boyfriend for almost 2 years now. We are in an LDR situation. I love him and I trust him fully but, when we went on vacation recently I found accidentally on his social network account all the recent searches of bisexual pages about 3 of those and a bisexual person we both know personally. Also, at that same day my curiousity brought me to check his mobile phone's recent activities to my surprise I found out a dating website on his browser which was on private search.

No account is sign in though. Sometimes, I noticed him starring at men too. I don't want to ruin our vacation so instead I acted normal but I felt so broken inside. I've also found a photo of a man in his mobile. The night after that, I confronted him and asked him if there's something I need to know, to make it short, he said that it was his gay friend who have been using it, whom I know. We cried that night, it was heartbreaking and he said he isn't gay and that he sees me as someone he will spend the rest of his life with and he loves me very much.

And like any other desperate girlfriend, I believe him. Now, we are miles away and I'm trying to understand and to forget what I've seen or just happened.

The First Sign That Something Was Up

I haven't told anyone yet about this. I'm confused and sometimes I just want to finish the relationship. Thoughts like "Am I a cover girl to him? It is just a phase. Sorry to say this but you need to run the other way. I wish I did. It's hard to admit the truth, even when it slaps you in the face.

I stayed another month believin everything he said, the same things your man said to you. You can't have a relationship without trust. And you need to look after yourself first, put your own heart first. Trust me that it does get easier. The man of your dreams IS you there and won't make you question anything. I was with a boyfriend for two years. I broke up with him but he always kept coming round wearing me down. A few months ago I found strange addresses in satnav and when I googled them they were gay saunas.

On instinct I joined some gay hookup sites and found his profile that he set up a few months after we got together and had been active on within 24hours of me finding them.

When I confronted him he denied it was him and deleted it within minutes, got really angry and accused me of putting spyware on his computer or I wouldn't have found it. He broke some of my stuff and then put a brick through my window when I got him to leave and shut him out.

Since we broke up my life has gone from strength to strength and it's only been a couple of weeks since I last saw him. I can understand people struggling with sexuality but lying and betraying is unforgivable.

Why Do Gay Men Make Dating So Hard For Themselves?

I am in the same dilemma at the moment. He lied to me about each thing he ever did to me. I would always find out way later on and be crushed, then he would try to apologize and be emotional then expect me to move on from it quickly. I love him and care about him so much but after finding all the accounts I don't know what to do anymore, I literally cannot trust him and it kills me.

Found My Boyfriend On Gay Dating Sites | Relationship Talk

I don't even know if he's bisexual or has slept with a guy. He claims he never did, he only admitted to making the accounts and chatting with a few guys but never meeting up or having sex. Not worth even finding out if he wants to make it work and such. Moving outta this relationship is the best option here. I know it's easier said than done.