Why are some guys gay

Look at the Madonna and Britney Spears kiss. The images are everywhere and there are no consequences to that. Perhaps the reason same-sex experimentation remains more controversial for men than women can be put down to the fact that, for whatever reason, men often feel ashamed or guilty when faced with a desire to try a few new things out. There are events such as Bivisibility Day which takes place every year on 23 September which can only help increase awareness, but what else could help?

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More male celebrities to open up about their same sex dalliances - in the same way Miley and Madonna have? Or perhaps a rather more formal approach and sex-ed in schools to become more inclusive?

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The reality is that probably every area needs to evolve - the media, education and as we've all become so obsessed with celebrities, a Hollywood star or two to help along the way. Until these things happen it's likely nothing will change and bi-phobia will continue to rule. Litter Lady: The Dutch artist turning plastic pollution into art.

This is what knife crime does: I was 'marriage-shamed' for getting engaged at Game of Thrones: Five of the wildest theories about the final series. All this liberation and equality is leading to increased bigotry among us. What does that even mean? If you like someone enough, open your mind to other possibilities. Not everyone on a hookup app is looking for sex and even if they are, who gives a toss?

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Spare us your sanctimony, your grace. This is fine — nothing wrong with a one-night-stand — as long as he realises that too. We place a lot of importance, misguidedly I feel, on not having sex on the first date.

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If you feel it between you, then go for it. While female sexuality appears to be more fluid, research suggests that male gayness is an inborn, unalterable, strongly genetically influenced trait. But considering that the trait discourages the type of sex that leads to procreation — that is, sex with women — and would therefore seem to thwart its own chances of being genetically passed on to the next generation, why are there gay men at all?


This longstanding question is finally being answered by new and ongoing research. For several years, studies led by Andrea Camperio Ciani at the University of Padova in Italy and others have found that mothers and maternal aunts of gay men tend to have significantly more offspring than the maternal relatives of straight men. The results show strong support for the "balancing selection hypothesis," which is fast becoming the accepted theory of the genetic basis of male homosexuality.

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The theory holds that the same genetic factors that induce gayness in males also promote fecundity high reproductive success in those males' female maternal relatives. Through this trade-off, the maternal relatives' "gay man genes," though they aren't expressed as such, tend to get passed to future generations in spite of their tendency to make their male inheritors gay.

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While no one knows which genes, exactly, these might be, at least one of them appears to be located on the X chromosome, according to genetic modeling by Camperio Ciani and his colleagues. Males inherit only one X chromosome — the one from their mother — and if it includes the gene that promotes gayness in males and fecundity in females, he is likely to be gay while his mom and her female relatives are likely to have lots of kids. If a daughter inherits that same X-linked gene, she herself may not be gay, but she can pass it on to her sons.