1 out of 3 people are gay

And the data they gather could pay direct benefits. County, says that when a hospital like his can provide data showing that they serve thousands of transgender people in an area, that can help them win millions in federal grant money to provide services transgender people often need, like hormone replacement therapy or mental health services, or to train the hospital staff on competent LGBT care.

In speaking to some officials about quantifying the LGBT population, the whole thing can seem as simple as overcoming the sense that these are taboo subjects and adding a box to existing forms that already ask about things like race, gender and disability.

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Yet logistical details can be hard to crack, as the United States Chief Statistician Katherine Wallman knows from decades in the field. Her office also approves questionnaires before they go out into the field. The technical experts representing the 21 agencies cover topics like health, labor and criminal justice, and they plan to produce guidance on data collection practices before the end of the year. In doing so, their work takes three main forms. One is getting smart people in a room and thinking about any issues that may need to be investigated.

Queer, for example, is more popular among millennials than Boomers, who might prefer the term transgendered, which often causes offense among the young. They also have to consider translations into several languages.

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  • Gay Americans: Government Begins LGBT Population Count.
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  • While the census is not venturing into asking about sexual orientation or gender identity for now—a disappointment to many advocates—there will be plenty of precedents when and if they do get there. The Bureau of Justice Statistics plans to start asking these questions on their national victimization survey this summer.

    Americans Have No Idea How Few Gay People There Are

    The NIH is already steaming ahead. Both California and New York are working to update their own forms for state-based surveys. The question of nature or nurture stands at the very center of many complex issues. Why, for instance, do some children perform better on standardized tests than others do?

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    What causes some Americans to be overweight, while others never gain an ounce? Nowhere is the uncertainty of nature versus nurture more widely discussed than in issues surrounding human sexuality. What do teens think about the possible causes of homosexuality?

    Americans remain slightly more likely to oppose, rather than favor, formalized civil unions between gay and lesbian partners. Support for legal same-sex unions is highest among Americans living on the East and West coasts, among Democrats, among those with higher levels of education, and among younger generations. The issue was recently launched back into the news with The New York Times' decision to include commitment ceremony announcements for gay and lesbian partners along with its traditional wedding announcements in its Sunday paper.

    Learn how to solve skills shortage and engagement problems by redesigning career paths and selecting managers with a better method. October 8, Gallup https: JavaScript is not enabled. Please Enable JavaScript Safely. What Percentage of the Population Is Gay? Portrayals in Pop Culture Before the s, the few representations of homosexuality in popular culture tended to consist of potentially dangerous social deviants think Norman Bates in Psycho.

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    Key Points Whether increased acceptance of homosexuality has led to an upsurge in the number of positive media portrayals of gay characters or vice versa, one result seems to be that Americans now tend to overestimate the gay population in America. Because high school students are less mobile than adults, this suggests that a gay exodus from these areas is not a large factor.

    We can approach the question of whether intolerant areas actually have fewer gay men another way, too, by estimating the percent of searches for pornography that are looking for depictions of gay men. I used anonymous, aggregate data from Google. The advantage of this data source, of course, is that most men are making these searches in private. Women search, too, but in much smaller numbers.

    While tolerant states have a slightly higher percentage of these searches, roughly 5 percent of pornographic searches are looking for depictions of gay men in all states. This again suggests that there are just about as many gay men in less tolerant states as there are anywhere else. Since less tolerant states have similar percentages of gay men but far fewer openly gay men, there is a clear relationship between tolerance and openness.

    My preliminary research indicates that for every 20 percentage points of support for gay marriage about one-and-a-half times as many men from that state will identify openly as gay on Facebook.

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    • In a perfectly tolerant world, my model estimates that about 5 percent of men in the United States would say they were interested in men. Note that this matches nicely with the evidence from pornographic search data.

      How Many People are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender?

      These results suggest that the closet remains a major factor in American life. For comparison, about 3. In states where the stigma against homosexuality remains strong, many more gay men are in the closet than are out. How deep in the closet are these men?

      How Many People are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender? - Williams InstituteWilliams Institute

      Obviously, it is possible for a gay man not to acknowledge his sexuality to Facebook or surveys but to still have healthy, open same-sex relationships. But data from Match. This suggests that these men are not only not telling Facebook they are gay but are also not looking for relationships online. Additional evidence that suggests that many gay men in intolerant states are deeply in the closet comes from a surprising source: It turns out that wives suspect their husbands of being gay rather frequently.