Gay marriage site

When I shared this idea with two of my closest friends, they thought I was insane. I could only convince my parents and not my friends and professors. My parents agreed upon one condition which was to leave Gujarat and settle somewhere else and never let my extended family know about my business. And I did exactly the same. I informed my family that I got a job in Secunderabad and I was shifting there. As of now, we have 49 couples in a live-in relationship, 43 couples who got married and 29 couples in a relationship but yet to move in together.

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Out of them, lesbian couples are 3, 1 and 1 respectively. All this data is about India. Talking about people abroad, we have 12 gay couples, three lesbian couples and six transgender couples. While understanding the problems faced by the community, I was keen to help them.

Marriage Equality

After a certain age, everyone needs a companion to be together in thick and thin. I wanted to help them come out of the closet, gain the confidence and flaunt their sexuality. The law that we are talking about was made by Britishers and the funny part is that they have legalized it in their own country.

Secondly, I heard a lot of people say that homosexuality is against Hindu religion which made me curious and I researched a bit into the cultures and traditions. My family members are still against my work and feel that I am a curse to the family and have destroyed their reputation.

Explaining my work to my parents was not the toughest thing.

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I have got death threats and acid attack threats. It was not something I was worried about, but I fear that the LGBTQ community members could go against my work and call this a fake company. People left their jobs and joined my company as employees. Slowly and gradually I employed 26 employees and none of them have left us.

Same-sex marriage

I am going to continue to help people from the community. A lot of people have been waiting for the decriminalisation of homosexuality. Finally, now they are going to live a life without thinking that they are doing a crime. I am soon going to meet my lawyer and decide how to file a petition towards marriage laws for the community. Although we do not have any marriage laws and acts, people do go through the rituals of getting married. Gay marriage advocates argue that this is an equal rights issue.

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Main Content Marriage Equality. Marriage Equality.

State-based UU organizations focusing on advocacy and witness. Freedom to Marry: The gay and non-gay partnership working to win the freedom to marry nationwide.

Freedom to Marry

National Black Justice Coalition: A civil rights organization dedicated to empowering Black lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people. Human Rights Campaign: The largest civil rights organization working to achieve lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender equal rights. A lesbian, bisexual, gay, and transgender equality organization. Unite for Marriage: Marriage Equality USA: Leadership Conference on Civil Rights: The nation's premier civil rights coalition, which has coordinated the national legislative campaign on behalf of every major civil rights law since Parents, Family and Friends of Lesbians and Gays: A national support, education and advocacy organization for LGBTQ people and their families, friends, and allies.

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