Masculine gay bottom

I have had two experiences where I have played the insertive role, while only receiving oral sex, not giving it. I explained to my partner in both occasions the reason for doing so considering myself straight, but curious. They were both fine with it. I am not sure if they were the bottom in their relationships with other gay men. Although, they were both rather feminine…. Thank you so very very very much.

A new study explores the potential origins of male homosexuality.

Was beginning to think that maybe I. In defense of the authors, they do address this in the main text of the paper. Relevant passage: Thank you very much for sharing this information. I initially thought to correct your offensive and narrow-minded comment…but then I figured it would be a waste of time. Your ignorance is overwhelming. To say nothing of your deplorable grammar skills. You deigned to respond because it is a value we all humans deserve. As familiar and boring as it usually is to read comments like this on the Internet, this one really gets the prize for blatant non sequitur.

Masculine Tops And Feminine Bottoms: Masculine Tops Are Less GAY

Wait a sec?! Comical …. Is this real all that important? What about those who are versatile? It seems to be that there is too much fixation on what someone does with thier genitals.

The (truly) masculine bottom

I mean there are those who are agressive and submissive in romantic encounters. What are your preferences for form and function? In that way, gay men are way more picky than woman in life matters and sexual play, but also good at prioritizing their choices. It is actually a horrible shame that gay males cannot make genetically other male babies with each other in their lifetimes in this era. Whereas most FemiNASTY women are anti-male and seek to sex up the bad boys while financially raping productive Beta Males and in the long run, degrade the value and strength of their local male gene lines.

There are some statistical errors with the paper e. That aside, the paper tries to tease out our actual ability to distinguish from our natural bias to classify men as tops that is, even knowing that half of the faces are tops and half are bottoms, people are categorizing more than half as tops and less than half as bottoms.

One more gripe. Some people are versatile. Some people just are not versatile, and no amount of shaming or head-scratching will change them. Nor should they have to change. Thanks for the read, SS team. LOVE this article!! But then, this is an area of research science i am very familiar with.

For those who actually care about science along with the studies on the Golden Ratio and how it affects our perceptive judgment as early as a new born, my suggestion is to study the chemical biology behind Sociology and Psychology before irrationally commenting. Such a disappointment.

Is this really why you are willing to suffer the discrimination we all face, just so you end up as the clownish version of a straight pairing? What makes this study so unscientific is how they had little to no control over questions of grooming which can alter the perceived masculinity of a face drastically, from haircut, facial hair, plucked eyebrows, etc.

Thank you so very much for your response. When I finally tried it and loved it, I stupidly decided that I was a bottom. Unfortunately I fell into the trap of thinking that this was somehow my destiny. I realize now that, just as you suggest, this narrowminded view of my own self was the product of a more restrictive time and place that stopped me from realizing all of my possibilities.

Genetics May Determine if Gay Men Are Tops or Bottoms - Tonic

A side note: Although this receptive tendency is supposed to stretch across all aspects of both our sexual and our nonsexual lives, I never particularly liked giving head. But I also never had trouble finding tops who enjoyed going down on me. Now I am 51 and live in Latin America.

  1. It’s Time to Take Your Temperature on Topping and Bottoming.
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  3. Get your weekly Tonic fix here.?
  4. The (truly) masculine bottom!
  5. ‘It Takes a Man to Put Me on the Bottom’ - MEL Magazine!
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For the first time I find myself attracting and being attracted to younger men who want me to be the top or active activo , at least part of the time. Screw what the studies say and screw what I thought about myself for so many years.

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I am going to have really great sex in my new position. And finally be All that I can be. Sorry I am a bottom or preferably so when indulging in same sex so explain that. Covered in Tattoos, shaved head, work out, work on cars and Construction by trade…..

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  • Gay men's preferences for "top" vs. "bottom" can be judged by their face. - Seriously, Science?!
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  • I gotta say I think stereotypes are for the birds. Hi Robert — I just read your comment on the original post and it was a real breath of fresh air. Gay stereotypes exist for a reason. Most feminine gay guys have gender identity disorder but were shamed from wearing womens clothes or doing feminine things as a kid. Without the shame the rest of them will end up Male to Female trans. The rest of the gays had some sort of sexual abuse in early childhood. Todd K Autman. I think Id be considered a power bottom. Doc Hogan.

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    Sweetie Fernandes. Mary Melendez. Juan Sebastian Bottazzini. He liked the feeling of relinquishing control over his body and handing it to someone else.

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    • Genetics May Determine if Gay Men Are Tops or Bottoms.
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    • Other research has shown that some gay men enjoy being passive as bottoms because in other aspects of their lives e. Craig, 33 preference: I just love the feeling of a twink overpowering a bear instead of the other way round.

      ‘It Takes a Man to Put Me on the Bottom’

      Ben described enjoying his experiences of topping a bear because it challenged what he believed was normative, accepted sexual behavior between men. For a twink to top a bear was experienced as a fetish like other less normative sexual practices for example, BDSM, fisting, etc.

      This may suggest that some gay men have internalized expectations relating to relative masculinity i. Andy, 23 preference: The association between topping and heteronormative masculinity may be tied up with how people understand the concept of penetration. And to him, being masculine meant being straight. Rob, 35 preference: Rob was an alpha male, a rugby lad with a strong sense of masculine identity and a strong desire for other people in particular gay men to perceive him as masculine.

      In most sexual encounters, it was Rob who took control and allocated the sexual positions.