Gay dating 2 years younger

My lil juvie called me an "old settler" We are only 5 years apart and I look 5 years younger than HIS ass, so wtf? Seriously, nobody would ever guess I'm the older one Oct 9, 2.

I always thought a cougar was someone who dated someone 10 years or younger. People years younger are still in your age range. Oct 9, 3. It's pantherish But it doesn't make you a cougar. You good girl. Panther - years. Oct 9, 4. If so it doesn't mater if you are cougaring it up. If he is legal then you are good. Oct 9, 5. One of my dating faux-pas is dating someone far older than me or younger than me. I need a man around my age 2 years older or 1 year younger. I couldn't imagine dating an 18 year-old guy at Oct 9, 6. Oct 9, 7. As opposed to using 'relationships' as nothing more than a means to short-term sex.

Crazy; right, we know But maybe LW can save his pennies for the day when he gets too old and droopy and has to buy sex from twinks. But it sounds like this daddy is focusing on fucking hot young ass as opposed to finding something long term.

Dating a man 5 years youngeris that Cougar territory? | Lipstick Alley

I agree with Noatak 1 and Frank 4. It sounds like LW wants an LTR purely for its utilitarian value - as a sort of insurance policy against the day when he will no longer be able to attract beautiful young men to his bed for NSA sex unless he pays for them, and he wants to continue to be able to have free, easily available, and ideally hot sex with a younger man for the rest of his life.

Not a bad goal, mind you, but most younger men who are interested in and worthy of an LTR will expect their partner or spouse to appreciate them for a lot more than just their physical appearance. Dan touches very lightly on this point, but I think LW needs to be told more directly: But you're going to have to learn how to swim at the deep end of the emotional pool before you are ready for that LTR you claim to want so very badly. I don't know there Stephen Fry is a millionaire.

I'm sure he and his husband love and respect one another, but it's no good telling an older guy that a young man will love him until death because a millionaire celeb can do it. I don't know, might be different with gay guys. Maybe a 20 year old will still want to be with him in 30 years when he is shitting himself and the 20 year old is his age? I lean towards Dan's advice too because there's no guarantee that someone your own age will be there in 30 years either. And Dan is correct in that if this dude wants a lovely young 20 something, it's pointless to try for ltr with him since he won't be that way forever.

Eventually though, he'll probably stop having luck with college-aged guys right? Probably not for another decade, but eventually.

Ep 6 Clip: Dating & The Gay Age Gap

What I wonder, since gay guys are supposedly the least likely to be monogamous, why doesn't he build a relationship with someone closer to his age who is ALSO interested in hot young thangs? Eventually when they both get too old to attract any younger guys, they'll still have each other, ha ha! I dont know. For real, I'd say just enjoy yourself while it lasts. You have another decade at least before you have to seriously worry about this. You could get hit by a bus tomorrow. I've known three older men y. And none of them were multimillionaire celebrities.

It's rare, but it's possible. You don't have to be a millionaire, but in all of the couples I know, the older men have been significantly better off then the younger half. More of a stage-of-life thing than anything else. The older guys have been nearing retirement age, and owned homes and had substantial income and savings pretty well off, if not super wealthy ; the younger guys were mostly just post-college, on their first real jobs, paying off college loans, etc, and didn't have much spare money most of the time.

I would guess this would be pretty common. So you have to be able to navigate a relationship with significant differences in income and wealth, which can be an added complication for some people and no big deal for others. I have a gay friend who is kinda into me, and being bi, I'm kinda into him. He isn't much younger than me, just 10 years, and his nickname for me is DaddyBoss.

Dating a man 5 years that Cougar territory?

Took me a while to figure out the daddy thing But for an older seemingly straight guy, to the outside world anyway, it did catch my ear in an odd way at first. Mizz Liz - I'm afraid that gets a serious Grade of Execution deduction. Mr Fry is a genius.

He also has a great deal of personal integrity. After I became a GGGM in Amsterdam twenty years ago this summer - oh, dear , one of the GGSMs I met there and befriended, who was then both "objectively" prettier and probably more talented than the current Mrr Fry although it's hard to compare across disciplines made a serious play for Mr Fry, which was declined with regret, as Mr F was partnered at the time. My friend was so disappointed he turned bi and, if I've been correctly informed, has had official relationships only with women ever since.

That sounds like a joke, but I genuinely think it's at least half-true. Note that I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt, and assuming that you are only commenting on LW's smaller chances of an LTR due to lacking celebrity or wealth, and not lumping Mr Fry in with the Mr Trumps of the world. Had I thought the latter to be your intention, I'd be packing a lorgnette.

Your Mutual Consolation Prize suggestion doesn't come across that well. Besides, it seems as if LW's relationship energy flows to the young and not just his libido. Mr S may be right to warn him off thinking that a thing of beauty will be a boy forever, but, if LW is seriously mentally 24 or so himself, his mental age might advance as the relationship does. I wish this were a podcast call, so that Mr Savage could though he wouldn't get LW on the line and go deeper. Taking that much farther feels like deciding on my own performance, which Elizabeth Bennet told Mr Darcy she mustn't do.

I shall close here. Dan, didn't you answer a letter almost exactly like this not too long ago?

Like within the last year? You can be in a successful relationship even if there is a big age difference. If you love them for who they are and not just their hot bodies, you can maintain an successful LTR! Fred 12, how does a troll learn how to behave in civilized society, if they are not commended whenever they make a worthwhile comment? All of us were basically trolls at birth and throughout toddlerhood, and many among us persist as trolls into grade school and beyond, but I'm optimistic enough to believe that anyone can learn to improve their social skills with sufficient positive feedback.

I don't believe in shunning someone for past bad behavior, partly because I would hate to be judged solely for bad decisions I've made in my own lifetime.

The pros and cons of younger/older relationships

I'm 25, gay, and married to a guy my age; as someone who is living out what the LW wished he could have lived out, I feel I have to back Dan here. I've been out for over a decade and like LW, I have only ever since being legal been in relationships with feminine males guys that make most twinks seem masculine , so I understand the exclusivity this LW feels, in a big way. Let me assure LW that there are younger guys who would knife fight for the chance to be in something long-term with an older male.

For many, it's the dream. Say what you will about heteronormativity, but the stereotypes about young guys hooking up with older, financially secure men have their basis in reality. I'm not saying LW must be a sugar daddy, being able to live on your own as an adult is sexy in anyone. I am saying, however, that LW is finding hookups because he's looking for hookups, not because he is locked into them. Plus, he's even writing those off too early.


I found my husband on a fetish site and we've been together for five years and are still going gangbusters, he's my best friend. We know a considerable number of young, just-out-of-college guys who would do just about anything to get with a guy like LW long-term. I'd be careful of anyone too thirsty, but don't count yourself out of the game just when you've started playing.

LW is new to all of this. He ought to enjoy his STRs while he has them, because eventually a LTR situation will present itself--it happens all the time--and when it does, who knows? He absolutely could learn to look past someone not being 24 any more, and could discover that some of the things he likes about younger guys can translate into older men as well. At 49, he still has a good chunk of time left to live the dream.