Sexualities fall on a spectrum, but it sounds like this still young man only grasps absolute binaries, i.
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So why not just hire a prostitute, see if you like sex with women, and go from there? I totally agree.

Of course he could be going through a phase. I want to see what the time to go down and get all dirty comes if he stays that way…. Ya think that being a male prostitute for men might have had some influence on his attraction to men? Yeah, I think that too. That can take a toll. Why did he feel the need to go celibate? Sex became a job and not a pleasurably activity.
But I could not stop giggling while reading this article. Someone else said it, seems like he got tired of, feels shame or fell for the stigma of being a sex worker and wants to completely separate himself. And he felt the need to seek out media and have this published because…? Just move on with a girlfriend and keep it pushing.
While the nuances of orientation often develop most throughout your teens and twenties. Also, this is the problem with using sex alone as the main guidance to identity. People are more complex than just attractions and sexual enjoyment. Being a guy who wants to be with a guy should be about a lot more than sex, especially as you get older. It sounds more like it devolved.
He was Gay for pay as a average looking Twink. And now he does damage to the Gay community by giving credence to the smcubags who say that we can change our orientation hoping his clients left him with multiple raging STDs. There have been tons and tons of people who have said that they have experienced fluidity in their orientation. Everyone is just different and develops differently through life. Homosexual, bisexual, pan-sexual, etc. But congrats for being honest.
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We have very different realities. Wait until he finds out that woman hate and are disgusted by the male appendage and generally hate to get near it. All lies I tell ya… bahahahaha! It is totally ludicrous. Makes me realize Queerty is only good for eye candy …. Sexuality is indeed fluid. Many of us suffer burn-out on our jobs but he combined his maturation as a gay teen and man with being an escort. How can he truly know what he wants when he has had upwards of men in what period of time- years.
Celibate- what an old term! Cripes- I have friends that go years without having sex with a guy! This guy is the epitome of a millennial-! I just want to know what kind of demons drove a very young man like him to sell his body and soul to sex crazed older men?
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Did his parents not teach him how to live a decent life and work hard? Does he have no shame in what he did? Does he realize how much damage he has done to himself? Did he repent or feel any remorse about his bad choices?
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Repentance is great if you are Christian and probably Catholic. There was no mention of religion; how do you -HereIam -know whether his escorting was part of his spiritual quest? Every boy who is very handsome with a charming girl will suddenly change the behavior around him. She treats herself better than she does with ugly girls. Very much everybody behaves like that around him because they are trying to get something from him. Friends hope that if they are on their best behavior around him, then he is going to think, "Well, you are a good boy, you will now get a chance to get trapped in it.
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Answered Jun 22,