Your gay as hell

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Scott Hastings speaks out in ‘gay hell’ row

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Urban Dictionary: Gay as Hell

LGBTQ, immigrants, people of color and other marginalized groups. Ok, so she was hacked. Or was she? On Tuesday, the Internet Archive, a non-profit digital library that preserves websites for all eternity, released a statement that calls Reid's claims into question:.

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When we reviewed the archives, we found nothing to indicate tampering or hacking of the Wayback Machine versions. At least some of the examples of allegedly fraudulent posts provided to us had been archived at different dates and by different entities.

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We were clear that we would welcome and consider any further information that they could provide us to support their claims. As all this unrolled, Reid has remained largely silent at least on social media , but NBC did, according to the Intercept's Glen Greenwald , circulate a statement from an independent security expert who validates Reid's claims, although Greenwald himself is dubious, and Mediaite then uncovered evidence linking that security expert to white nationalists , so it hasn't exactly help Reid's cause. The lesson here?

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  4. Never tweet. Still, I, a known homosexual, would like to offer Reid an olive branch, because the thing is, she's right. Despite his two heterosexual marriages, Charlie Crist could definitely be gay. He's no Marcus Bachmann , but it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest to see Crist at a Key West drag brunch. I mean, look:. He's kind, tolerant, willing to change his beliefs he left the Republican Party in , before it was fashionable , and he says, "I am who I am," which is what every teen homosexual says upon coming out.