Mako gay dating sites

Mako's relationships

When Mako's parents died, he was left orphaned on the streets along with his younger brother. He began working for the Triple Threat Triad by running numbers so he could survive and provide for Bolin and himself. Later, when questioned by Korra about this, he justified this by saying he was "doing what [he] could [ The brothers accepted, and together they formed their own pro-bending team, the Fire Ferrets.

Though Mako's serious, brooding personality occasionally conflicts with Bolin's goofier, happier nature, the firebender loves his brother, and is very protective of him. Before the quarterfinals of the Pro-bending Tournament , he confronted Korra for admitting her feelings for him and, after being rejected, going on a date with Bolin, as he did not want his brother's heart to be broken. When Bolin witnessed Korra and Mako kiss, a sight that left him devastated, Mako berated Korra and ran after Bolin to find and comfort him. Despite being called a "brother-betrayer", he was able to reconcile with Bolin during the semifinals, restoring their brotherly relationship.

When Mako prepared to depart with Korra to fight Amon after he had taken control of Republic City, the two hugged and said that they loved each other. Six months later, Mako and Bolin's relationship suffered some strain, despite still being mostly positive. While having relationship troubles with Eska, Bolin asked Mako for advice on how to end it. Due to his job as a cop, Mako became somewhat dismissive of Bolin, hardly registering and showing little interest in Bolin's new career as a mover star, and telling him to "figure something out" when Bolin asked him what to do upon returning from the Southern Water Tribe, [4] which Bolin later shot back at him.

Upon learning of Mako and Asami's rapprochement, Bolin admonished them. After Mako's imprisonment, Bolin visited him in jail, offering him a poster of his mover's finale. Mako was annoyed that Bolin still did not believe him on his word, and urged him to be on the lookout for anything suspicious during the screening. A few hours later, Bolin visited Mako again in prison to personally recall his rescue of President Raiko.

Mako was delivered the news of his release and received an apology from Bolin for ever having doubted him.

Mako readily accepted it, and the two brothers shared a hug, rekindling their relationship. From their quest to find airbending recruits onward, Mako spent more time with his brother. He displayed a great deal of faith in his brother's abilities, entrusting him to land a shot on P'Li's forehead during a stressful situation [8] and encouraging him to metalbend the bars of their cell in the Earth Kingdom.

However, after Bolin joined Kuvira following the insurrection of the Red Lotus , the brothers lost sight of one other due to Bolin traveling the Earth Kingdom and Mako staying in Republic City, though they kept in touch regularly via letters. When Bolin apologized and declared himself to be an idiot for having ignored Mako's advice, Mako readily accepted the apology, though waved off the "idiot"-remark, noting that Bolin had only been doing what he thought was right.

Mako stood in with his family for a photo when he was young.

It is suggested that Mako was close to his parents, particularly his father, San. When he was eight, he witnessed a firebender mugger murder both his mother and father, leaving him orphaned on the streets with his brother, Bolin, who was six at the time. Asami had bought him a new silk scarf, but Mako never wore it, explaining that he felt as though his father's scarf kept him safe. He has a deep attachment to it. Seeing how sad his paternal grandmother, Yin , was at the loss of her son, Mako decided to give her his scarf, feeling she needed it more.

Mako and Asami. Mako met Asami after she accidentally hit him with her moped.

Initially, he was angry at her due to her lack of attentiveness to other people on the road, but immediately forgot his train of thought the moment he laid eyes on her. When she invited him to go on a date as an apology for the incident, the love-struck firebender gladly accepted. Their relationship hit off immediately and they spent a lot of time together.

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While enjoying a romantic carriage ride through Republic City Park , Mako entrusted in Asami that his red scarf was the only memento he still had of his deceased father. After Asami told him that she had lost her mother at a young age as well, they locked in an intimate embrace.

Even when training for the big Pro-bending Tournament, Mako made time to go out on dates with Asami, and she was present after every match to congratulate him and the team. When Korra confessed her true romantic feelings to him, Mako turned her down, using his own romantic relationship with Asami as an excuse.

Asami invited Mako and his brother to stay in the Sato estate after the Pro-bending Arena was closed down following the Equalists' attack. When the Satos were investigated on Korra's suspicions, Mako defended Asami against the Avatar, even going so far as threatening to end his friendship with Korra if she continued to berate Asami. After it was proven that Hiroshi Sato was working with the Equalists, Mako comforted the distraught Asami after taking Korra's advice when they left the Sato estate.

Asami confirmed, and they kissed. However, after hearing of Korra's capture, Mako barely paid any attention to Asami, and she learned from Bolin that Korra and Mako had kissed, making it hard for her to trust him. While he carried Korra in his arms, he bypassed everybody, even Bolin, and focused his attention solely on Korra in that moment, greatly upsetting Asami. Asami confronting Mako. Having knowledge of Mako and Korra's past relationship and her suspicions confirmed, she became upset and jealous.

When confronted about his kiss with Korra and his romantic feelings for the Avatar, Mako looked away guiltily and denied her accusation, stating that his reaction to Korra's capture was justified. Asami was left disappointed and hurt when Mako could not reassure her that she was just imagining things. Feeling betrayed, she ignored Mako and even told him to sit in the back seat of the Satomobile with Korra.

She felt even more marginalized when Mako's attention was focused on Korra after Amon attacked Republic City, despite the fact her boyfriend was aware of how insecure she was feeling. During the battle for Republic City , Mako and Asami separated. However, they appeared to reconcile prior to him leaving with Korra to face Amon, as he told her that he would always care about her.

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After Asami assumed control of Future Industries, she found herself struggling to turn profits, and shipments of goods to the South were being stolen. Mako decided to help her find out who was responsible by setting up a sting operation with the Triple Threat Triad. While on the ship, Mako told Asami about he and Korra's split. The firebender soon overheard triad members talking about the operation being a setup, and the two escaped from the ship, barely outrunning triad members in pursuit. They rushed to a warehouse where Asami was keeping all of Future Industries inventory, only to find it had all been stolen.

Mako tried to comfort his downbeat friend, who was ready to give up on everything. Touched by Mako's concern for her and her company, Asami kissed him. Mako quickly pulled away, clearly confused, while Asami apologized. Mako later found out through Two Toed Ping that Varrick was responsible for the act, and rushed to Future Industries to inform Asami, only to find out that she had closed a deal with the industrialist that allowed him to buy majority control of the company, thus saving her and Future Industries.

The firebender reluctantly backed away upon hearing the news. In the days after, Mako and Asami's relationship gradually began to grow more intimate, although they kept it secretive to the outside world, denying any kind of involvement when someone pointed it out. However, Asami was shocked when Mako was arrested on the charges of robbing the Future Industries' warehouse, and was unable to believe it. Upon this act of affection, Asami glared at Mako, angered by his infidelity. While trying to find Aiwei , a bomb was set off, and Mako shielded Asami from the blast.

Mako and Korra. When Mako first met Korra, he thought she was just another one of Bolin's "crazy fangirls" and practically ignored her. When Bolin went missing, Mako was reluctant at first to accept Korra's help in searching for him, but he eventually complied. The two got along quite well and when Korra asked about the fate of his parents, Mako felt comfortable to tell her the truth. Later, they fell asleep against each other, and felt embarrassed when they woke up.

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However, when infiltrating into an Equalist rally , Korra put her arm around Mako's to look more casual, which he only allowed because she stated that they would attract less attention that way. He also allowed Korra to wear his scarf, which was the only thing he had left of his father. When Bolin asked some time later what Mako thought of Korra as a girlfriend, he thought the question was about him and Korra, and said she was great, but that it made more sense for him to go for Asami.

He took it back when he realized that Bolin meant the question for himself, saying that she was not girlfriend material and he should not date a teammate. That night, Korra confessed her feelings for him after they won the game by saying that she thought they were "meant for each other".

Unsure, Mako gently rejected her and told her that he did not feel the same way and he was with Asami. However, when his girlfriend walked in and he took her to the side, he darted a sad look while eyeing Korra and Bolin glumly after she had accepted to go on a "romantic date" with the earthbender.