Gay for pay meaning

Not of good quality. Translator tool. Sign up now Log in. Glaring errors and patent nonsense: April 10, Cambridge Dictionary. Meaning of gay in English. Mark knew he was gay by the time he was fourteen. More examples Her speech caused outrage among the gay community. Don't let his sister know he's gay, because he hasn't come out to his family yet.

He claims that prejudice against homosexuals would cease overnight if all the gay stars in the country were honest about their sexuality. His latest film is about the experience of being persecuted for being gay. We had a gay old time down at the dance hall. The streets were gay and full of people. You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: The set of controls that I added did account for a large portion of the difference, but even after accounting for everything I could think of, the effect did not disappear.

"gay" in American English

More interesting, and like what has been found before, is that the effect for gay women and men is opposite. Similar studies in other fields have typically claimed this portion to be discrimination. This likely a factor, but the opposite effect for males and females suggests that the issue is more complicated.

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Ahmed and Hammarstedt explain the opposite effect happens because gay men face increased hostility by straight men, who are over-represented in upper level management positions. This is certainly an interesting argument that is anecdotally convincing to me. This whole concept of gendering characteristics both amuses and angers me, but for me there is no doubt that it is a factor here.

Carpenter offers a life choices explanation. He argues that lesbians choose to invest in more marketable skills because they anticipate being the primary source of income for a future family, whereas their straight counterparts might not. Much of this should be accounted for in the education and occupational controls, but, what the model would not pick up on are more squishy factors such as work ethic or attitude. Both working gay men and women might be breadwinners for their families, but gay women might be especially motivated if they are also a gender minority in their industry or position.

Another thing to consider is that this sample only accounts for gay individuals in committed partnered relationships. To employers, this might be a signal that they are settled down and stable, and likely without the distractions of kids and a family. These might be very attractive characteristics to a manager looking to hire or promote an employee. This could be especially true for women.

Other studies in the gender disparity field have asserted that part of the negative income gap for women is attributed to employers discriminating against young female employees because they are more likely to leave unexpectedly to start a family. This effect could potentially be opposite for lesbians, meaning that employers see them as more stable employees, less likely to quit suddenly due to pregnancy or marriage. This means that in many places it is legal not to hire someone just because they are or are suspected of being gay.

Even when protected, violations are hard to prove.

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Applied to my results, this means that gay individuals who are employed are most likely so in an accepting workplace to even get the job. More competition among gay people for jobs in companies that are known for a tolerant environment would mean working gay employees are possibly of higher quality, and would earn more money because of it. However, because gay men are over-represented in sales occupations, more of their income is likely to be based off commission.

Customer as opposed to employer discrimination could negatively affect their paycheck. These are just some explanations of what could be happening to explain the remainder of the income difference between gay and straight individuals.

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Discrimination, interacting with gender issues and manifesting in different ways for gay men and women, as well as life choice and environmental factors are all possible reasons. All that can really be concluded is that these groups have some characteristic or combination of qualities about them, other than those that are controlled for in the model, which makes lesbians more financially successful in the labor market and gay men less so than their straight counterparts. Further study and investigation into this complicated issue should be explored. I summarized above how the marriage equality laws between states at the time were pretty much a hot mess.

While it seems like it would make more sense to focus on employment laws, gay marriage was the controversial hot topic of the day and getting the most attention. I wanted to test if the states that had some sort of pro-gay marriage law translated into more income for its gay residents. I figured that if a state had such a policy, it would be more likely to have citizens and employers that are more accepting of a gay lifestyle.

In addition, gay individuals who have the means might seek to move to such states for the increased acceptance. At first glance, the data showed some promise for my theory. On average, gay individuals that lived in states that had some sort of marriage equality law in place made more than those that ban gay unions. The biggest gap was between states that allow and ban gay marriage specifically. Gay marriage was by far the most controversial of the policies, and if I was wanting to use the presence of these laws as a proxy in my model for acceptance by citizens and employers within the state, it would make sense that the most debated laws might be the most influential to the citizens.

Keep in mind that almost all of these laws had come into effect through the courts, and not popular vote. This means that the laws themselves are not a direct result of already increased or decreased acceptance by citizens. I then modeled their monthly income as a function of their state law status as well as all control variables that we saw before. Like so:. In this model partner status was an additional control since all of the observations are those who reported living with an unmarried same-sex partner.

Also average state income is controlled for to account for the fact that most of the pro-gay states were high income east coast states, while many of the ban states were southern states with lower average incomes. I ran 8 different versions of this model, changing out the independent variable to look at states with different laws regarding gay marriage. I also looked at states that had different sorts of marriage bans to see if income would be less for gay partnered individuals in these states, due to less acceptance by my theory. Note that these are states that had taken measures to change the state constitution and explicitly ban these ceremonies.

A lack of a ban did not mean that it is allowed. Results testing the causality are below!

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According to my hypothesis, I was expecting to find a positive effect in states that have pro-gay laws like allowing gay marriage. I claimed that increased acceptance in these states would translate into more income for gay individuals living there. The model results disprove this though, and showed no significant income differences for gay individuals that live in these states compared to others.

The ban models, however, did yield a significant result! This does support my hypothesis that states that have taken measures to ban gay ceremonies, most likely have residents and employers that are less accepting of the lifestyle which translates into decreased income for the gay people living there.

The fact that the only significant finding out of the different types of state ban statuses was gay marriage I think reflects on the fact that it was the most controversial and debated at the time. Nevertheless, it is still interesting that the most severe of the laws Column 1 did not have significant findings. This is consistent with the insignificant model findings for pro-gay states.

On the other hand, the negative income effect for gay partnered individuals in states with a ban on gay marriage did suggest that decreased acceptance translated into lower incomes for gay partnered individuals. This suggested a degree of discrimination, but like in the first analysis, it was unlikely to be the whole story.

State of residence is in theory a choice. These factors, or potential income-affecting personality traits that could be inferred from these factors, would not be accounted for in the model.

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States with different political leanings most definitely had different press coverage and reports of the gay marriage debate. States that allowed gay marriage most likely had more positive news coverage of the issues which could influence the opinions of citizens and employers in that region. Oppositely, states that had taken measures to ban gay marriage might have had news coverage that portrayed gay marriage and relationships as negative and threatening.

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In addition, without or with a limited coming out experience, gay individuals in these states might have not shared the income boosting characteristics that other gays that had gone through this process either already possessed or acquired. Like the previous analysis, the data and model results shed some light on the issue, but brought to light many unknowns and additional things to consider.