How to meet gay guys in college

I like going to bars and clubs with friends, but the majority of the people you meet in a bar want something more casual.

How to Meet Other Gay People

In terms of sexuality, the generation younger than me is way more open, and the older generation is still more closeted. These younger guys were the ones they liked in college, so now they pursue people who they have sentimental feelings for.

1. Online Dating Sites

Most of my hooking up experiences have been with male-identifying people, so I often find myself trying to hype up my [limited] experiences with women or with other queer people. Even within the queer community, biphobia is a thing.

I definitely will only date people who are female or non-binary, like me. A lot of people go to events like Pub Night every Thursday, which tends to be a really queer event. We also have to deal with social things, too. Because both of us look not like girls: That actually happened with my last girlfriend, before I was identifying as trans. We both looked like girls and we still got harassed.

There was this one time, we were out on Halloween, and we were a few towns over at a haunted house. It was cold, so of course we were holding hands. We sped up, and I had mace in my hand — but then we heard breaking glass. The group was crossing the street, and one of the guys had a broken beer bottle in his hand. My girlfriend and I sprinted to the train station in heels, and they were chasing us the whole way.

Some Tips for Gay College and High School Students

Wellesley is completely different from non-Wellesley, though. I like going on dates — I like meeting people like that.

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But I go on a lot of dates from Tinder. I was seeing a guy, and we met through a mutual friend of ours. Michigan is a really big party school, so basically there are house parties whenever you want. In my experience, hooking up has led to going on dates. Even though I would prefer to have a relationship with someone, hooking up is more accessible and less risky emotionally.

Hooking up is easier in that sense. I felt like a minority within a minority.

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I came to this school and noticed that there were only white men on these apps, and they all seemed to know each other. When I got messaged by other non-white people, they were the ones who actually wanted to have conversations with me and not just talk about having sex. I made random comments about lectures. We eventually became good friends and came out to each other. And while it paid off and I had a new gay friend, I think I should have explored more. There were many gay and gay-friendly groups on campus that I could have joined. I could have also reached out and befriended more of my dorm friends.

I later found out that they knew other gay people and they could have helped me make a connection. Don't put all your hopes on one person when you're looking for gay friends on campus. Explore and be proactive about your search. I longed for a boyfriend, especially after I started meeting gay friends. I would chat with guys online, but i either couldn't get up the nerve to meet them or I just didn't think they were a good fit.

I didn't give up my search, though.

Meeting guys in college

I knew that I'd eventually make a connection with a guy I liked. When I did meet my first boyfriend, it was in the most unlikely of places — a club I'd joined. It wasn't a gay club, but there were gay guys in it. I eventually became friends with a few of the guys because we spent so much time together at club meetings. I became especially close with one of them. He was my first boyfriend and my first love. I became more and more eager to find a man before I met my first boyfriend. It would have been best if I had just let the situation happen instead of letting my desperation drive my actions.

Usually, the best dating situations happen in the most unlikely of circumstances. When I stopped seeking, I found a great guy. Just like making gay friends, it's best to get out there and explore social or academic options on campus. You and another great single guy will eventually find each other. Another lesson I learned was to take a more active role in my safety, which brings me to the next topic.

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Meeting someone online is a cool way to get to know them, at least initially. I would chat with guys online during study breaks and off time. I developed an entire network of online buddies. But then I wanted to meet them face-to-face.