Different names for gay guys

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Those benefits derived automatically by being heterosexual that are denied to homosexuals and bisexuals. Also, the benefits homosexuals and bisexuals receive as a result of claiming heterosexual identity or denying homosexual or bisexual identity. The irrational fear or hatred of homosexuals, homosexuality, or any behavior or belief that does not conform to rigid sex role stereotypes. It is this fear that enforces sexism as well as heterosexism. Administration of hormones to affect the development of masculine or feminine secondary sex characteristics.

Hormone therapy is usually continued for life. This surgery is often pursued by FTMs as part of the transition process, as well as for health reasons. The idea that gender identities and expressions do not fit on a linear scale, but rather on a sphere that allows room for all expression without weighting any one expression as better than another.

Refers to a homosexual, bisexual, transperson or intersex person who will not or cannot disclose their sex, sexuality, sexual orientation or gender identity to their friends, family, co-workers, or society. Arrangements of a society used to benefit one group at the expense of another through the use of language, media, education, religion, economics, etc. The process by which a member of an oppressed group comes to accept and live out the inaccurate stereotypes applied to the oppressed group. Some intersex people are also transgender, but intersex is not typically considered a subset of transgender, nor transgender a subset of intersex.

A type of FTM chest surgery procedure that is effective for individuals with small amounts of breast tissue. In the keyhole method, a small incision is made along the border of the areola usually along the bottom , and the breast tissue is removed via a liposuction needle through the incision. The nipple is left attached to the body via a pedicle a stalk of tissue in order to maintain sensation. Once the breast tissue has been removed, the incision is closed. The nipple is usually not resized or repositioned.

The term lesbian is derived from the name of the Greek island of Lesbos and as such is sometimes considered a Eurocentric category that does not necessarily represent the identities of African-Americans and other non-European ethnic groups.

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The heterosexist notion that any woman who prefers the company of woman, or who does not have a male partner, is a lesbian. Usually refers to a lesbian with a feminine gender expression. Can be used in a positive or a derogatory way, depending on who is using it. Is sometimes also used to refer to a lesbian who is seen as automatically passing for heterosexual.

A male-bodied person who identifies as a lesbian.

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This differs from a heterosexual male in that a male lesbian is primarily attracted to other lesbian, bisexual or queer identified people. A person who was born in a male body but whose gender identity is female. Also can refer to those assigned male at birth, in the case of intersex people, whose gender identity is female.

Scrotal implants may or may not be added. First used in by British journalist Mark Simpson, who coined the term to refer to an urban, heterosexual male with a strong aesthetic sense who spends a great deal of time and money on his appearance and lifestyle. This term can be perceived as derogatory because it reinforces stereotypes that all gay men are fashion-conscious and materialistic. Short for Male-To-Female. Individuals who have not attained and may not desire to attain gender reassignment surgery, and may or may not take hormone therapy. The surgical removal of one or both ovaries.

This surgery is often pursued by FTMs, usually in combination with a hysterectomy, as part of the transition process, as well as for health reasons. The systematic subjugation of a group of people by another group with access to social power, the result of which benefits one group over the other and is maintained by social beliefs and practices.

This causes sterilization and greatly reduces the production of testosterone. It should not be confused with penectomy, which is the removal of the penis. Some MTFs undergo orchiectomy as an initial stage before vaginoplasty, while others may choose it as their only genital surgery. This can be accomplished through a home-made or store-bought pants stuffer, or through a realisticlooking prosthetic device. Some guys simply refer to their packer or prosthetic as a cock and balls, a dick, etc. Some FTMs pack simply for the sake of creating a realistic-looking bulge in their pants.

Others may pack only on certain occasions while swimming, while in the locker room, or wearing tight-fitting pants. Some have realistic prosthetics that are affixed to the skin for wear throughout the day and night. Successfully being perceived as a member of your preferred gender regardless of actual birth sex.

Refers to testosterone or estrogen hormone therapy as applied transdermally via a patch adhered to the skin. In the periareolar method, an incision is made along the entire circumference of the areola. The nipple is usually left attached to the body via a pedicle in order to maintain sensation.

The areola may be trimmed somewhat to reduce its size. Excess skin on the chest may also be trimmed away along the circumference of the incision. The skin is then pulled taut toward the center of the opening and the nipple is reattached to cover the opening—much like pulling a drawstring bag closed. Phalloplasty operations are usually done in stages requiring multiple surgeries. Refers to having honest, usually non-possessive, relationships with multiple partners and can include: Transsexual individuals who have attained one or more gender reassignment surgery procedures.

A conscious or unconscious negative belief about a whole group of people and its individual members. Transsexual individuals who have not attained gender reassignment surgery, but who desire to and are seeking that as an option. They may or may not cross-live full time and may or may not take hormone therapy. On occasion, FTMs are treated with progesterone to treat menstrual issues in early transition though the use of testosterone usually eventually suppresses menses in FTMs.

List of LGBT slang terms - Wikipedia

MTFs are occasionally prescribed progesterone in combination with estrogen, but there is some disagreement about this practice. An umbrella term which embraces a matrix of sexual preferences, orientations, and habits of the not-exclusively- heterosexual-and-monogamous majority. Queer includes lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transpeople, intersex persons, the radical sex communities, and many other sexually transgressive underworld explorers. A reclaimed word that was formerly used solely as a slur but that has been semantically overturned by members of the maligned group, who use it as a term of defiant pride.

Eventually, it came to be used as an umbrella term that included gay men, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgendered people. Similarly, other reclaimed words are usually offensive to the in-group when used by outsiders, so extreme caution must be taken concerning their use when one is not a member of the group. A period of time in which a transsexual person is required to live full time in the role of the sex they identify with i.

Individual mental health and medical professionals may also use discretion when determining if a RLT is necessary for a given individual. They include facial and body hair growth, muscle development, fat pattern distribution, voice changes, and breast development, etc. A medical term designating a certain physical combination of gonads, chromosomes, genitalia, secondary sex characteristics, and hormonal balances.

He broke away from her with a gay laugh, and lit a cigarette. Viviette, with a gay laugh, took up her position on the spot to which he pointed. And I've been thinking about you just cantering through wild, gay adventures. All men—Spenser as well as Jonson—found him gentle and witty, gay and generous. This was when the gay little sleigh had stopped in front of the house. His arm was still in splints, and swung suspended in a gay silk sling. I call on you, dear Alicia, for congratulations: I am my own self, gay and triumphant!

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As surely as the dancers will be gay within its halls to-night. What a gay velvet sling, hung with three silver-mounted pistols! Archived from the original on September 11, Retrieved 30 May Male Colors: The Construction of Homosexuality in Tokugawa Japan. Berkeley, California: University of California Press. Retrieved 11 March Japanisches Geschlechtsleben: The Cambridge Companion to Science Fiction. The Guardian. Lesbian , gay , bisexual , and transgender LGBT topics. Academic fields Discourse. Community Culture. Gender identities Sexual identities Sexual diversities.

Asexual Bisexual Heterosexual Homosexual. Detransition Erotic target location error Gender and sexual diversity Gender binary Gender essentialism Gender roles Hermaphrodite Human female sexuality Human male sexuality Intersex Sexuality and gender identity-based cultures.

LGBT history. Mollies Urnings. Rights and legal issues.

Biology Birth order Demographics Environment Heterosexual—homosexual continuum Homosexuality and psychology Kinsey scale Klein Grid Neuroscience Prenatal hormones Sexual inversion Sexual orientation change efforts Conversion therapy Sexual orientation identity Timeline of sexual orientation and medicine. Social attitudes Prejudice Violence. Category Portal. Lesbian , gay , bisexual , and transgender LGBT slang.

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