Uganda gay dating

Economically, homosexuals cannot work when they are not closeted being denied a right to their way of living ; the moment your sexual orientation is known gay or lesbian or any LGBT , you lose your job and your image will be warned against by others within the place of work. Hence staying in the closet for the rest of your life. But they work underground or in secrecy because the government warned them against promoting LGBT rights.

Therefore, they are working but in suffocation; if an LGBT person needs support, it would take him ages to trace these organisations in Uganda. It is why our group is open. We recommend them to go to these organizations for support, advice, counseling and health advice. Uganda Gay on Move is a human rights initiative to unite all Ugandan LGBT persons as one and to bring awareness regarding their rights, equality, morals, culture and health support. We are encouraging others to come out of the closet.

It started at the end of December by Moses Walusimbi, who later introduced the idea to his colleague, Julius Matovu. They worked hand-in hand to invite other members to this initiative. On September 12, , we launched with over fifty members in a ceremony that was held in AZC Dronten.

We took part in the peaceful demonstration of the Russian Consulate in Amsterdam.

Uganda Gay On Move - Leadership

Regarding physical numbers of people involved through online meetings and luncheons, we manage to gather about 25 people during luncheons, simply because it is hard for our colleagues to travel to other places every time we organize a meeting. Therefore, the turnover is not as much as it is online. We have over 50 members in our registration books. And on our Facebook page, we have over 3, likes. There was much support, in terms of courage, moral, solidarity. Support in all aspects — financial, moral, courage, counseling, advice.

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By support of voluntary legal practitioners, we hope to inform, teach, and explain the rights of LGBT, be it in Uganda or the diaspora. We hope to further extend our campaigns to educational institutions such as schools and universities to inform them of the situations that LGBT people go through in Uganda and what it means to be gay in that country.

And we want to fight homophobia through campaigns such as sensitization or peaceful demonstrations. Discovering more about my homosexual feelings has been a gradual process. It took a lot of time since my childhood to eventually accept my homosexuality; it is not like you wake up one day and say that you are gay — it takes a lot of time. I passed through a lot of hardships and trials to finally accept that I am gay. Due to a lot of homophobia in Uganda, I could not share it with anyone.

I felt like I was kind of abnormal and there was no way and no one I could tell so he or she could understand what I was going through. During primary school, I always hung around girls and most of my friends were girls, but I started developing feelings towards boys. Surprisingly, I thought I was the only one who was going through these feelings, because I never knew how to get in contact with other gay people — I never even knew that they existed. One evening, when I was hanging out with a friend of mine, a guy passed by, and my friend told me that the guy was expelled from school because he used to seduce other guys for gay sex.

I looked at the guy, thought he was handsome, and I wanted to follow him to see where he was going. I used to read about gay issues and at times I tried to date girls, but in my mind I knew that I was just wasting my time.

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Until I met someone during secondary school who had similar experiences. Luckily enough, we liked each other and we fell in love and life went on well.

Uganda Anti-Homosexuality Act, 2014

We treated each other like brothers and everyone at school and our parents thought that we were so friendly towards each other — they never had a clue that we were also lovers. Once people find out you are gay, your life changes there and then. I went through a lot of difficulties that almost claimed my life.

I was chased away from home, friends ignored me, I moved from place to place just to protect my life and I avoided public places to dodge the mob. Some of my friends in Uganda have been raped but they cannot report it to the police. Many lesbians have been raped, but people say that it was curative rape, which is even approved of by some people. Life is not easy there. Many gays are now in safe houses and they cannot go anywhere. It is like they are imprisoned in their own country. It takes a lot of effort and courage to accept your sexuality.

When people think about gays, they immediately picture how we have sex, and they always perceive it as weird. Many people in Uganda are ignorant and there is no way you can explain to them how it feels to be a gay man; we are born this way and we feel happy this way, but people fail to understand it. The main problem in Uganda is that people think that we recruit young children to be homosexuals.

They are always using this argument to bring hatred to us. The campaign is being led by a section of legislators and religious leaders. Pentecostal pastor Martin Ssempa from the Makerere community church leads a coalition of christian churches against homosexuals. He also regularly organises anti-LGBT movements in Uganda and even shows gay porn to his followers just to shame us and cause more hatred towards the gay community. The newspapers also participate in this hatred, especially The Rolling Stone that published names of famous gays to be hanged that led to the death of gay activist David Kato.

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The Ugandan newspaper The Observer published an article on how to spot a gay man: There is also The Red Pepper tabloid, which up to this day continues to publish hatred news against gays. Many gays disappear for unclear reasons, and no one ever gets to know anything afterwards. We have no voice there. Even if you decide to be in the closet forever, people will still question you, because society expects you to have a wife and children. So in every case you will be outed.

It is not safe there, not for me and not for other gays. Yes, there are some organisations that support the LGBT community, but they cannot do much. They are limited by funds and many of them are illegal; they keep shifting from place to place, so even some gay people in Uganda cannot easily trace them.

They cannot get medical attention with regards to sexually transmitted diseases, because those are not catered for in the government health programmes. The organisations also fear to be closed and tried in the courts of law. I have been there a couple of times. This organisation helps with hiv tests and counseling, the distribution of condoms and lubricants for free. As noted earlier, we have faced all kinds of problems in our country that prompted us to run away from there.

We could not have a safe place anymore to live in and our lives were at the crossroads. So Uganda Gay On Move involves people running away from hatred, torture, forced marriages, mob justice and so forth. We fight for equality for everyone and we want to let the world know how difficult it is to live in Uganda. Currently, there are more than 30 members in Uganda Gays On Move and we are hoping more people will support us.

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