Dating a gay taurus man

On the other hand, this very trait makes him uniquely persistent and the Taurus man will finish what he starts. This gentleman tends to be cautious in life and will keep within his comfort zone. Adventure will be sacrificed for practicality, and stability will win over change. Beneath the composed, easy-going exterior of the Taurus man lays a tenacious temper — when you borrow something, remember to bring it back in the same condition you received it. The Taurus man enjoys the good life and will make sure that his partner is spoiled to the best of his ability.

Investments will be sound choices offering safe returns rather than high-yield, high-risk undertakings. He is forever attracted to things that promise to last. The refined Taurus man will highlight his wardrobe with mauve and pale blues, so you can expect to see silk ties and casual shirts in these colors.

The Taurus man: Love, Sex, Friendship, Style

Always on top of the fashion scene, the Taurus man enjoys shopping for the latest styles in clothing and shoes. Even though he dresses well and is proud of the way he looks, the Taurus man will rarely flaunt what he has. He buys to please himself. As long as his partner is committed to their relationship, the Taurus man will give himself completely to the success of their union. Usually quiet and subdued, this man can be extremely jealous and will show another side of his nature if it becomes necessary to protect what he feels is his.

The Taurus man is an affectionate and sensual individual who enjoys the romantic pleasures of courting, but practices a great deal of patience before entering into a relationship.

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His voice and manner are generally calm, soothing, and even healing. These things are part of his overall appeal. This man takes pleasure in the warmth of physical contact, but is not an overly daring person in the bedroom — although the right partner could change that. When it comes right down to it, the Taurus man knows what he likes and will make sure his partner knows exactly what that is! High stamina levels generally keep this man healthy, although there is often the threat of extra weight with his hearty appetite and love of great food.

Nevertheless, many Taurus men monitor this well and apply their legendary willpower to keep themselves trim. The Taurus man is dependable and persevering, excelling in whatever assignment he takes on. With a creative eye and enjoying the stability of a day-to-day routine, he would do well as a musician, artist, architect, or antiques dealer. This man loves money, so when you combine that with his positive characteristics, the gentleman is ideally suited for the position of banker, stockbroker, insurance agent, accountant, or realtor.

Future Forecast Report. All About Taurus Taurus Ascendant. Get the full scoop with a Love Styles: About Him Report. Be sure to find out your personal astrology data online, at no cost.

Good food, good sex, good music. He always wanted to be surrounded by everything he loved. And for a while, I was an ideal partner. I gave him a certain kind of security. He responded best to old-fashioned romance - dinner dates, roses, and candles. But once you get them between the sheets, you'll find a lover who knows everything about body worship.

So, if you like men to service you from head to toe, inside and out, you might want to ride Mr. He puts love on a high pedestal because it means something to him.

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He even believes in love at first sight, and the concept of 'The One. That means give him the ball and let him run.

Dating a Taurus Man - When you Fall in Love with a Taurean Guy

He'll always come up with great plans. Bull considers everything thoroughly before he starts doing something and never acts blindly. So, no matter what they plan to do, the chances of success are always very high. They're very practical, not over-optimistic or self-righteous and always deal with people using a healthy, heaping pile of pragmatism. Ever Careful Bull A Taurus born man considers the material aspects and rewards on all projects, and he is always working on one of two types of projects: I know it sounds like they are careful to a fault, but have you ever seen what a bull can do to a porcelain shop?

Let him plan so that he won't charge. Exit Strategy At the same time, his weaknesses appear to be not understanding the contingency and his crisis management capacity is in short supply. However, you must tell him to consider an exit strategy, and then he'll have one ready before he even begins. Taurus men are notoriously consistent. Some may even say he's boring. Consistency has its high and low points. He'll even make plans to be spontaneous! Strong Headed But Loyal Come hell or high water he sticks to his beliefs.

Even if he seems to nod and agree to your different point of view, it doesn't mean he's going to adapt to the environment, change his concept or alter his principle. So Taurus must learn how to communicate well and interact with others to avoid causing his partner unnecessary stress. They repeat daily patterns ad infinitum. The Taurus man is dependable and extremely trustworthy. He dislikes artificiality of any kind, so when complimenting him, it is best to restrict your comments to genuine statements of fact, rather than going over the top.

The Taurus man can also be easily embarrassed, so coming on strong could seriously backfire. The Taurus man tends to be the strong silent type, masculine but not aggressively so. He is very attracted to femininity in a partner, so if you earn a supplementary income as a cage fighter, best keep that to yourself for the time being!

The Taurus man is generally a very poor judge of character.

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This means it is highly likely he has been hurt in the past as a direct result of his choice of partner. Consequently he may be something of a tough nut to crack. Be prepared to take your time winning his trust. If you work with or for the Taurus man, be supportive and helpful.

By demonstrating your trust in him, he will come to trust you. Weakness irks him. At work, the Taurus man will admire you if he sees you soldiering on in the face of adversity. A feminine trooper, of course. The Taurus man loves to cook, so a well-prepared and interesting meal always creates a good impression. He also likes routines, so be prepared to go somewhere he is familiar with, somewhere he feels comfortable. As described above, the Taurus man is attracted to femininity, so you can never go wrong with a dress which subtly displays all the right curves.

Strategic use of make-up, particularly lipstick, can have a devastating effect on the Taurus man. Perfume is crucial. The Taurus man loves a fine perfume: In terms of colors, the Taurus man finds pastel shades appealing, particularly blue.

How to Attract a Taurus Man Using the Power of the Zodiac. | The Astrology of Love

Soft, sensually-textured materials are a must. The Taurus man is also quite materialistic and likes the finer things in life, so plump for big brand names if you can. The Taurus man is likely to be a keen collector of something. It could be almost anything, but it is unlikely to be anything frivolous.