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Just make sure that they don't do anything stupid like have sex or drink ect. They can hang out and have fun and go to places, but first tell them that they need your permission first!

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When he reach 18, he is a free bird. With any teenager, boys or girls, they WILL have sex or do something stupid and you will never know it so condoms are a good thing to tell them, teenagers lies A LOT and they will never tell you the things that they did.

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You have to keep an eye on him. I know that sometimes parents trust their kids but you never know, next thing there is a big problem just like that so just keep an eye on them. I'm 23 years old and personally I won't date someone of that young age, in my opinion I think it's very inappropriate. Source s: Add a comment.

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You just agree with the age thing? So does that mean you don't agree with them both being men? You should love your son no matter what him being gay should change or affect that, as far as his relationship goes as long as he wants to be with him it's fine he is old enough to make his own choices. No, I don't think so at all.

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You're a great parent for accepting such a thing. Your son probably wouldn't be with the man if he treated him badly.. Trust him and feel good about it.

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Your son is happy and you're awesome for accepting it. The age difference is far too great imo. Once he is over 18 its not as bad but right now Well i'm a parent too and so far our 3 are all straight but this sounds all good. You sound like a great parent and no you are not wrong at all.

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