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He slid into DMs to discuss drama. And he also slid into DMs for, well, exactly what sliding into DMs was invented for. His account was known by people in the know. It helped that Denton appeared to be cute. They look to all be the same guy — the same guy who also appeared in a shirtless bed selfie Denton posted a few days ago. That guy, though? Denton, obviously, never showed. Nothing like that.

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  6. Who Is Gay Twitter Catfisher Parks Denton?.

Alex would like to go on the record and emphasize that the guy he fell for looked very different from the more recent photos of Denton. Denton texted the day of their plans and asked to push the drink back by a day. Alex agreed, but wound up drinking a beer by himself the next night. Alex would turn out to be right. Last night, a group of Twitter users confronted Denton, who was apparently using photos of their friend, a real person who is very much not Parks Denton.

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She also tracked him down on LinkedIn. While the world may never know for sure just who was behind Parks Denton — and who, if you sent him nudes, now has your nudes — the whole thing has been very good Twitter on an otherwise downer of a Wednesday. Our sincerest apologies to whomever is running social for the Parks Department in Denton, Texas, today.

Additional reporting by E. Alex Jung. From a Wall Street Journal report on Friday: Foreign powers including the U. Haftar accepted the recent Saudi offer of funds, according to the senior Saudi advisers, who said the money was intended for buying the loyalty of tribal leaders, recruiting and paying fighters, and other military purposes. Considering the havoc those governments have wrought in Yemen and the increasing recklessness of Saudi foreign policy under Mohammed bin Salman, it is not surprising that the Saudis encouraged Haftar in his ill-considered gamble.

Meet all the Democratic candidates in the crowded 2020 race

Both governments have become the leading destabilizing forces in the region over the last few years, and the new attack on Tripoli is the latest example of that. Like their previous destructive power plays in other parts of the region, the Saudi-backed attack has gone poorly and backfired on their client. While any one of these violations may seem minor, taken together they represent an administration engaged in unprecedented partisan political activity in direct violation of the law.

Richard E. Neal D-Mass.

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In a court filing late Friday night, his lawyers said Stone is entitled to see the confidential report — which was submitted to the attorney general late last month — because it would help prove their allegation that there are constitutional issues with the investigation. Longtime Donald Trump ally Roger Stone is connected to investigations Robert Mueller sent to other prosecutors and that continue despite the special counsel having finished his work, the Justice Department said Friday in a new court filing.

A hacker group has breached several FBI-affiliated websites and uploaded their contents to the web, including dozens of files containing the personal information of thousands of federal agents and law enforcement officers, TechCrunch has learned.

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  • The spreadsheets contained about 4, unique records after duplicates were removed, including member names, a mix of personal and government email addresses, job titles, phone numbers and their postal addresses. These messages were intended only for prototypes, but a mistake meant they were included in regular production devices, he said. Some messages were included in developer kits for people building software for the product, while others made their way into consumer devices in significantly larger numbers.

    Due to the fact that Democrats are unwilling to change our very dangerous immigration laws, we are indeed, as reported, giving strong considerations to placing Illegal Immigrants in Sanctuary Cities only…. The Pentagon initiated Friday the transgender military ban in accordance with Trump administration plans for the policy, returning the U. The fact that a particular subset of intellectuals, or poli sci majors who wish they were, are fawning over year-old Mayor Pete while ignoring the impressive qualifications of other candidates, particularly the female ones, is a glaring double standard.

    Cory Booker was also a Rhodes Scholar, but doesn't get portrayed as a "genius.

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    Related Stories. It's not a coincidence that white, male candidates are polling ahead because they are considered "household names.

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    • Covering women, like voting for them, is considered more risky. So, it becomes a vicious cycle: Buttigieg, who doesn't have a lot of tangible policy accomplishments, is clearly being groomed as the young upstart in favor of the senators who've been doing their homework for decades. This exposes another double standard: The female candidates in this race generally worked their way up the ladder to larger and larger legislative bodies.

      Many of the men have held executive positions, or are running for an executive position for which they are not traditionally qualified. Had a young woman who was say, a mayor of a small city, thrown her hat in the ring, she would have been portrayed as "in a hurry. They expect women to prove themselves before they move forward. We want something new, but for women, unfamiliarity and youth end up being tied to incompetence.

      It's telling that to find any substance on Gillibrand's life in China in the mainstream media, you have to go as far back as a article in the NYT titled " New York senator impresses with Mandarin. As she learned more, she gained a deeper appreciation for the culture and an understanding of the complex relationship between the U.

      Andrew Yang

      She researched Tibetan refugees and interviewed the Dalai Lama for her senior project, and later spent four months in Hong Kong as a corporate lawyer. A reporter from World Journal , a daily Chinese-language newspaper based in New York, told the NYT after a conversation with her in Mandarin, "She definitely understood what I was saying, and she had good pronunciation. Actually, I was very impressed. This isn't the first time Gillibrand has spoken Mandarin to reporters on the campaign trail.

      Here's a challenge: Let's give Gillibrand the Beto treatment and portray her as the risk-taker she was in college: Welcome to Hindsight , Refinery29's weekly column reflecting on the women running for president and the lessons learned or not! When you.

      Ohio just became the third state this year to enact a ban on abortion once a fetal heartbeat is detected, which typically happens at around six weeks of. The photo of year-old computer scientist Dr.