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I know is a picture to repeatedly stabbing johnson in real men being average looking in. This study was criticized because it used brain tissue obtained at autopsies, and all of the homosexual subjects in the study were believed to have died of AIDS. This study, which also used brain tissue from autopsies, did not reveal any significant difference between the size of the INAH3 in gay men and straight men. It did, however, show that in gay men, neurons in the INAH3 are packed more closely together than in straight men.

PET and MRI studies performed in have shown that the two halves of the brain are more symmetrical in homosexual men and heterosexual women than in heterosexual men and homosexual women. These studies have also revealed that connections in the amygdalas of gay men resemble those of straight women; in gay women, connections in the amygdala resemble those of straight men. The amygdala has many receptors for sex hormones and is associated with the processing of emotions. Some studies have shown that the corpus callosum — the main connection between the two halves of the brain- has a different structure in gay men than in straight men.

However, other studies have found no difference. Gay women and gay men are more likely to be left-handed or ambidextrous than straight women and straight men, according to a number of different studies. Some researchers have suggested that this difference in handedness — preference for one hand over the other can be observed in fetuses - is related to differences in the corpus callosum. However, according to a study that was performed ten years later, the size of the anterior commissure is not affected by sexual orientation. We know from studying rats that exposure to sex hormones in the womb during a critical period in brain development affects future sexual orientation.

By manipulating hormone levels during this time, scientists can make rats engage in homosexual behavior later on. A large amount of brain development takes place during childhood, when you are learning many new things — including how your family and the adults around you believe you should feel about things and what they believe is acceptable behavior. The education you receive as a child strongly affects how your brain will develop as you grow. For example, children who are given musical training experience changes to areas of the brain associated with hearing and motor control.

Both London taxi drivers and professional piano tuners show increases in gray matter in areas of the brain associated with the skills needed for their professions. The size of the increase in gray matter correlates with the numbers of years of experience. In one experiment, elderly subjects showed increases in gray matter in certain parts of their brains after they were taught to juggle.

With proper rehabilitation, people who have suffered brain damage from strokes can develop new neural connections and regain some of their old skills. However, women do experience changes to the structure of the hypothalamus — which is thought to be associated with sexual orientation - throughout the menstrual cycle. While changes in hormone levels in the womb during a very specific time can have an effect on future sexual preference, hormone levels have no effect on sexual preference afterwards.

Gay men and straight men have the same levels of sex hormones; sex hormone levels are the same in gay women and straight women. Today, however, we know much more about the brain than we did when homosexuality was considered a disease that required treatment, and the amount of knowledge that we have about the brain is increasing. Perhaps one day we will be able to adjust sexual preference via surgery - focusing on the particular regions of the brain that are associated with sexual preference — or via neural implants or training.

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Even if gay people can never stop being attracted to members of the same sex, they can learn not to act on their desires. People already learn to stop smoking, to give up certain foods, and not cheat on their husbands or wives. If they could, should they change their brains or have their brains changed in order to make themselves straight? I believe that people have the right to engage in any behavior that they choose, as long as their actions do not harm others, and I believe that gay sex and gay relationships do not cause harm to anyone.

Therefore, people who are gay by choice have the right to remain that way. Of course, there are abusive and unhealthy gay relationships that should not be tolerated, just as there are unhealthy heterosexual relationships that should not be tolerated. There is an element of homophobia in that argument— the implication that gay people would become straight, if only they could. Supporting gay marriage becomes equivalent to supporting the construction of wheelchair ramps.

In a blog post for Slate , J. In fact, when we you do so, you reinforce the belief that your behavior is undesirable. Nobody has to prove that biology forces them to vote for a particular political party, practice a certain religion or follow a particular diet. Scientific beliefs change as we gain new information, and sometimes science tells us things that we would rather not hear.

Bailey, J. A genetic study of male sexual orientation. Archives of General Psychiatry , 48 Balthazart, J. Brain development and sexual orientation. Baroncini, M. Just remember a church is not closing…and they are usually not opening their arms to welcome a gay couple. The one that has building in which they meet. I am all for marriage of two men…but why would a gay couple, married, with purchased child, have any need to go to a gay social gathering?

Is Homosexuality a Choice?

I think gay men are tired of being defined by the camp nature of most gay bars. There are a lot of gay men who want nothing of the disco-flamboyant-drag-queen drama of a gay bar. I hoped other like minded men would also be there. A rare few were.

Speak Out: Why Are Gay Bars Disappearing?

Internet is the only area option. After reading the comments, I am inclined to agree with all, but I feel that it is not one specific thing, but a combination of all of them. Unfortunately is is so much easier to just accept things, and keep on living our lives. Those who have the time to do something sometimes lack the resources, and those who have the resources sometimes lack the time.

I will always have a special place in my heart for my first gay bar as well, it was in Columbia, MO, I first went in , and have yet to find a bar or club that measures up to that. The atmosphere was so relaxing, and it had something for everyone.

"The Gay HIV Connection"

I think it is mostly internet. In a bar situation, you buy a couple drinks, have a conversation, and get to know each other a little and, maybe, a lot. Why are Gays afraid to be and sound intelligent?

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We are so accepted everywhere that gay bars are not necessary anymore……every bar is a gay bar now. It was the best thing ever. Lotsa cool gays and lotsa cool straights that were super accepting. Sharps in Kansas City if anyone knew it. Sadly the gay owners sold it to a douche that is not quite so accepting. Gay bars were fun but we have to accept we are all mainstream now. In fact we need to add another letter for straight….. Was it called something else before? Sad that brick and mortar meeting places are disapearing.

The gay boys have to have all 3 at once. I came out in the heyday of gay bars, and actually worked in one in the mid nineties. It was already starting to happen then. We went to packed nights with standing room only, and within 3 years it was a ghost town. I am glad I came out in that era, it was a grand time. But it is gone.