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Some have paid versions, but prices aren't anywhere near the ridiculous ranks of the eharmonies of the world. So, look: There are plenty of decent apps out there, and even more that are up-and-coming. For people who are queer and want to connect, fear not.

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There's no need to go to the cheesy bar down the block. Bust out your phone and let your index finger do the hard work. We're using cookies to improve your experience. Click Here to find out more. Like Follow Follow. Whether you hate it a little or hate it a lot, it's a rite of passage for most of us. Best for queer women. The Good. Free version: Yes Paid version: And queer women basically have one: Thankfully, HER is a non-offensive, user friendly app good for folks seeking long-term relationships as well as those who want a more, uh, temporary arrangement.

Aside from a dating app, HER also acts as a sort of Facebook group for the queer community: Go to local events, find new LGBT movies to watch, bash the government, and connect with anyone who shares a post you like.

The site doesn't assume that all of their users are cis women and allows folks to identify as genderfluid, non-binary, and otherwise. Details to remember: HER is totally free to download. Accounts are verified and linked to people's Facebook profiles, so you're less likely to find fake profiles and trolls.

Users have to be incredibly selective about their words and corny jokes. It can sometimes take several message before you realize the person you're speaking with is way too into Harry Potter.

Check it out here. Best gay app that hetero folks also use. Tinder Free version: Yes Tinder Plus: More than 50 million people use Tinder monthly, and not all of them are straight dudes hiking mountains.

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Queer and trans folks head to Tinder because its dating pool is colossal. Read the experiences of fellow students who have already studied in Holland. But this is who I am. If any, being in Amsterdam has taught me to be true to myself, and that people will only accept and respect me when I accept and respect myself.

Amsterdam is seen as a gay capital of Europe, probably and mainly for being the capital of the first country in the world to legalize gay marriage. That was the reason why four years ago when I packed my stuff and moved to Amsterdam from Vietnam for my bachelor degree, I expected nothing but great stuff for my gay life here.

And so far, I have had more up than down. Coming from a developing country where certain matters like homosexuality are pretty much still in the non-discussable zone at family dinner tables, I struggled to be my true self with my family and friends. Here, simply no one cares about who you cuddle with in bed. Being surrounded by such positivity toward homosexuality, I have grown to be more comfortable with myself and decided to live my authentic life: I started to come out to people two years ago. And what kind of reaction did I get?

What kind of friends are we to you? Having said all of that, I am aware that in many parts of the world people still experience much hatred for being a member of the LGBT community. If you happen to read this blog, please just know that you are not alone, that you are brave, and there are always people in your environment who can help and support you.

All you need is a strong belief that it does get better. And with that belief, you can create your own Amsterdam in your community. The gay community in Amsterdam is truly amazing for its liveliness. There are plenty of groups, clubs, associations, and organizations for gay people here. All you need is time to participate. ASV-Gay is an association for gay students where I have met many incredible people and have made many wonderful memories. Another special friend happens to be a Political science student, a chairman of a student political party and also a male escort.

He may not know this, but his stories really inspire me to enjoy my life with an open mind and stop caring about irrelevant opinions of the surrounding crowd. And then come the memories, I took part in organizing 2 oversea trips as a member of the traveling committee, I went on my first skiing trip, I wore a jaguar onesie to a Halloween party, I puked during a beer relay game on a weekend trip, I got to see the beauty of Dutch countryside in a treasure hunt event.

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I treasure the friendships and the memories I have made so far. In addition, I have also had some experience with gay sport clubs in Amsterdam. I played badminton at Amsterdam Gay badminton club for one summer and took part in a big Europe gay badminton tournament in Amsterdam. The club has a really warming, friendly and sporty environment.

I guess that is why even though the club does not have a lot of players, the people who run it work really hard to maintain it and the people who plays there do not want to leave. That was a very interesting learning experience, after which I had so much respect for synchronize swimmers. Besides all the fun stuff, I volunteered for Aids Healthcare Foundation in Amsterdam for 3 years not saying that this is not fun, but it is more of a work.

I got to learn how to deliver HIV tests, to educate people about AIDS, to go to different gay prides in Europe to hand out condoms, to be strangely surrounded by heavy-metal gay fans in a club, and to take a photo of Conchita Wurst. And above all, I learn about giving back to my own community.

So my message is that there are tons of activities for gay people here.

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  • Why queer Asian men often date white guys - Star Observer.
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If you are looking for a place where you can truly be yourself while doing your favourite activities, then Amsterdam provides just that and more. Of course when we talk about Amsterdam, we have to talk about the gay scene here, which is pretty awesome I would say. There is a long list of gay bars and clubs that cater to all the different needs of the nighters. Another wonderful thing is that there are also a lot of straight people in gay bars and clubs in Amsterdam. The word GAY does not stop any Amsterdamers to enjoy a good night out at a good bar.

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Needless to say, Amsterdam is where the little Vietnamese nerdy me had his first clubbing experience. Certainly I will talk about my dating experience in Amsterdam. The dating scene is great with a diversity of colours and sizes, however the dating culture is unfortunately not so pretty sometimes. Some people call it preference, others call it racism.

What is it like to be a Vietnamese gay student in Amsterdam? — Study in Holland

I don't know and i don't wanna judge. But yes, even though I do see myself as a tough dog, it does damage my confidence over time. But as hard as it is to accept, it is the reality everywhere, not only Amsterdam. As proven by studies, for whatever reasons, Asian guys are least wanted while Asian women are most wanted. I am who I am and I'm happy with that.

Even though David may have reached a certain level of "hotness", he still gets backhanded compliments. He's not just hot, he's "hot for an Asian".