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I can let go of her hand and, when asked about it, I can say that my private life is my private life. Or I could not let go and own it. It was when Heard decided to "own it" back in that the bisexual label first came into play, though she's since decided against using the term. It served a function as an umbrella for marginalized people to whom rights were being denied, but it loses its efficacy because of the nuanced nature of humanity [ Jauregui, a member of pop music group Fifth Harmony, came out as bisexual in a Billboard op-ed piece saying, "I am a bisexual Cuban-American woman and I am so proud of it.

This year, Jauregui collaborated with Halsey for a recent single about an unrequited same-sex romance. The lyrics initially had both artists singing about an unnamed "he. To call me anything other than bisexual would be inaccurate.

Pete Buttigieg, Mayor of South Bend, Ind., Joins Democratic 2020 Race

The singer prefers not to use labels, but told Seventeen Magazine , "I don't love just men. I love people. It's not about a gender. It's just about the spirit that exudes from that other person you're with.

When The Advocate asked the Black Eyed Peas front woman about her bisexual past and why it wasn't a "trendy" thing for her, she said, "The funny thing is that I was very open and honest about that from the very beginning, and everyone was acting like it was some new trend. Go back four or five years, people, and you'll see the same answer.

In , Cumming told The Advocate , "My sexuality has never been black and white; it's always been gray. I'm with a man, but I haven't closed myself off to the fact that I'm still sexually attracted to women. Now he's added a question and answer to the FAQ section on his website:. As a bisexual person yourself, you're known for being outspoken on bisexuality and gender fluidity.

List of LGBT characters in soap operas

How do you explain bisexuality to people who still don't get it? I'm not here to change people's minds about whether they believe in bisexuality. All I'm saying is that I think my sexuality and most people's sexuality is gray. I am married to a man. I have a healthy sexual appetite and a healthy imagination. I also have an attraction to women. I've never lost it, actually.

I've always been attracted to both sexes, and whether I act on it or not is not anyone's business, really. I'm not going to close myself off to the possibility of experience just because society says we must stick within these rigid boundaries. Aubrey Plaza also stars on FX's "Legion. Hey, I'm into them too. I fall in love with girls and guys. I can't help it. I mean, it's something that I've always been interested in.

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I think people are born bisexual, and it's just that our parents and society kind of veer us off into this feeling of 'Oh, I can't. It's ingrained in our heads that it's bad, when it's not bad at all. It's a very beautiful thing. Actress Shannon Purser "Stranger Things" and "Riverdale" came out as bisexual on Twitter after previously being open with her fans about the process of discovering her sexuality. It's something I am still processing and trying to understand and I don't like talking about it too much. I'm very very new to the LGBT community. Louis Post-Dispatch.

Now I'm in love with a woman I think I can be with forever.

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The "Grey's Anatomy" star came out during a speech at True Colors Fund's 40 to None Summit saying, "So many of our youth experiencing homelessness are youth whose lives touch on many intersections — whether they be gender identity, gender expression, race, class, sexual orientation, religion, citizenship status.

She continued, "Because of the intersections that exist in my own life: After talking openly about being with men and women, the "Suicide Squad" actress and model has expressed frustration over the way some people misidentify her as gay. The comedian has been out as bisexual for years and recently said in an interview with Huffington Post that she's not sure if bisexual is necessarily the right word "because that indicates that there's only two genders, and I don't believe that. Sia came out as queer in August , tweeting , "I'm queer. I don't really identify as a lesbian because I've dated predominantly men.

But I've certainly dated women. Paquin came out as bisexual in a PSA for the Give a Damn Campaign aimed at promoting gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender equality by saying, "I'm bisexual, and I give a damn.

She's been married to her co-star Stephen Moyer for eight years, and several times has had to make it clear that being married to a man doesn't make her any less bisexual. Covenant House is part of a national nonprofit system of youth shelters with several shelters in the Bay Area and Los Angeles.

Celebrities open about being sexually attracted to more than one gender - INSIDER

At the Oakland facility, residents can stay up to two years and receive medical and mental health services, job training, help finding permanent housing, links to education, help with financial planning and other services intended to get young people off the streets permanently. No child deserves that. The first thing Covenant House offers new arrivals is sleep and regular meals — two things homeless young people are not in the habit of enjoying.

Alicia said she was so accustomed to not sleeping or eating she could barely do either for the first few weeks she was there. But after a while she settled in, and staff suggested that because she enjoyed studying, she should apply to graduate school. Her goal: When they talk about their favorite Christmas rituals, for example, she remains silent.

Meet Pete Buttigieg, the young, gay veteran and Midwest mayor who wants to take on Trump in 2020

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Unstable housing is the type of homelessness I actually experienced. I am gay, not crazy: Then we return to the rotten-smelling trailer where the room we have already paid for is, and we find our few belongings sitting on the porch in the rain. Hardly anybody really wants to sleep rough, especially when it rains. California's homeless students: Young, gay and living on the street: LGBT youth face increased odds of homelessness.

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A drunk man instantly regrets approaching a young gay couple in his local pub