Mateen used gay dating apps

Flood further stated to rolling out: What is weak and what is strong, these things are confused and keep us out of touch with our emotions and damages our relationships. Mo is also a Blues musician. He has been writing for Rolling Out since Whether it means walking through a bloody police shooting to help a family find justice or showing the multifaceted talent of the Black Diaspora I write the news.

Sunday when an off-duty Orlando police officer at the club initially confronted Mateen near an entrance and the two engaged in a gun battle, Mina said. When more police responded, additional officers entered the club and traded fire with the gunman. Mateen holed up with four to five hostages in a bathroom, while 15 to 20 more people were trapped in another bathroom nearby, Mina said.

Omar Mateen used gay dating apps, liked drag queens?

That's when police backed off. A team of negotiators arrived and began communicating with Mateen, who sounded "cool and calm," Mina said. Mina would not say whether Mateen appeared to be on a suicide mission. But police kept talking to him and shortly before 5 a. Officials decided to enter the building, Mina said, because, "there was a timeline given [by Mateen] and we believed there was an imminent loss of life.

Police made an "explosive breach" into the building, then used an armored BearCat vehicle to punch a hole about 2 square feet in the wall so that dozens could escape, Mina said. Mateen also emerged from the hole, armed with a long gun and handgun, and confronted SWAT officers backed against a wall who returned fire, killing him, Mina said.

The police chief said Mateen did not shoot between the time he retreated to the bathroom and when police breached the building.

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Mina defended the decision to wait and attempt to negotiate with the shooter before police finally forced their way into the building. It was a hard decision to make.

Orlando Gunman Omar Mateen Frequented Pulse Nightclub, Used Gay Dating Apps

We believe it was the right thing to do. We believe we saved many, many lives. Mateen bought both of the guns used in the attack, and a third weapon was recovered from Mateen's car, said Regina Lombardo, a special agent with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. Officials would not identify the weapon found in the car or say whether any explosives were recovered from the scene. Mateen bought his guns at the St. Lucie Shooting Center, owner Ed Henson told reporters in a televised news conference. Henson said Mateen was "familiar to me vaguely. I don't know him personally.

President Obama said Monday that Mateen appeared to be "inspired by various extremist information that was disseminated over the Internet" but that investigators had found no evidence he was working with outside groups.

Reports: Gunman Had Visited Nightclub Before, Used Gay Dating Apps

Islamic State proclaimed him as a member of the group through a media affiliate after the shooting. FBI agents closed their investigation into Mateen after concluding that he didn't understand how Al Qaeda operated and had not committed a crime. He told investigators that he had been lying and blustering about his terrorist ties.

During the investigation, Mateen was placed on the FBI's terrorist screening database, an official said, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss an investigation. Mateen was removed from that database after the bureau closed its investigation into him, an official said. In , agents again questioned Mateen after learning he had attended the same mosque as Moner Mohammad Abu-Salha, an American who later joined Islamic State and was killed in Syria.

The FBI "determined that contact was minimal and did not constitute a substantive relationship or a threat at that time," Ronald Hopper, an FBI official, told reporters in Orlando.

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Some who knew the gunman described him as a practicing Muslim who spewed homophobic and racist slurs. But it still wasn't clear Monday what motivated Mateen to attack the nightclub. His father, Seddique Mateen, hosts a show on the satellite network Payam-e-Afghan TV about the national politics of his homeland. In new video posted on Facebook early Monday, he calls his son well-educated and respectful to his parents, saying that he was "not aware what complexities he had in his heart, and what caused him to go to this gay and lesbian club and shoot 50 people," he said in Dari, one of the two official languages of Afghanistan.

Seddique Mateen said he was saddened by his son's actions.

But he added: What he did was completely an act of terrorism. Mateen, a U. I condemn what he did. I wish I didn't know that [is] what he was doing. If I could catch him, I would could ask him myself. Local News.

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Station Info. Share Tweet Email. Cord Cedeno told Eyewitness News a bad feeling kept him from going to Pulse with his friends Saturday night. We ended up going there and getting home safe, and when I heard the phone calls from so many of my friends calling me, it like made me so sick to my stomach.