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Psychological adjustment of lesbians and gay men. J Couns Dev.

Suicide Attempts Among Gay and Bisexual Men: Lifetime Prevalence and Antecedents

Methodological problems in AIDS behavioral research: Psychol Bull. The continuing HIV epidemic among men who have sex with men. Kalton G. Sampling considerations in research on HIV risk and illness. Plenum Press; Blair J.

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A probability sample of gay urban males: J Sex Res. Fowler FJ. Conference Proceedings: Health Survey Research Methods. New Techniques for Pretesting Survey Questions. Ann Arbor: Moscicki EK. Epidemiologic surveys as tools for studying suicidal behavior: Beyond the Tower of Babel: Assessment and treatment of suicidal clients in a university counseling center. J Couns Psychol. Agreement between self- and clinician-rated suicidal symptoms in a clinical sample of young adults: J Consult Clin Psychol. Intensity and duration of suicidal crises vary as a function of previous suicide attempts and negative life events.

Developmental perspectives on coming out to self and others. The Lives of Lesbians, Gays, and Bisexuals: Children to Adults. Ft Worth, Tex: Harcourt Brace; Attending to the needs of our youth. American Psychological Association Division 44 Newsletter. Herdt G. The effects of traditional family values on the coming out process of gay male adolescents.

Dank BM. Coming out in the gay world. Troiden RR.