British term for gay

Gay in its modern sense typically refers to men lesbian being the standard term for homosexual women but in some contexts it can be used of both men and women. Archaic words have a charm that never fades away, from French sounding to wondrously mysterious ones. We use cookies to enhance your experience on our website.

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Appendix:English sexual slurs

You can change your cookie settings at any time. Continue Find out more. More example sentences. I was gay and always had been. A homosexual, especially a man.

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Example sentences. Bulldagger n. Chapstick lesbian n. Chicken n. Chicken hawk, referring to an older gay male looking for younger partners. Donald Duck n. Doris Day n.

Being Gay and Christian in England in 1996 (British TV Documentary)

Eyeball queen n. Fanny bellhop n. Fish and chips n.

Full house n. Hetty n. Horatian n. Hoyden n.

How to say gay in English

Ice cream n. In sisters n. Iron closet n. Lounge lizard n. Miss Congeniality n. Mother Superior n. Nine-dollar bill n. On the make adj. See also: Over the bridge to Pimpleton n.

Passion fruit n. Ring snatcher n. Also see: Rumpy-Rumpy n. Sappho Daddy-o n. Saturday Night Lesbian n.

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Slacks n. Smurf n. Ursula n. Warm bruder n. Wolf n. Wrinkle room n.