In couples counseling, I generally recommend that a Master List of Required Household Chores be written down, which is exhaustive and comprehensive. Who pays the bills? Who does the cleaning? Or, who supervises the cleaning? Who mows the lawn? Or, who pays the gardener to mow the lawn? Who supervises the gardener? Who changes the light bulbs?
- The straight men dating men and the gay men who fall in love with them?
- Brian replies:?
- You’re Not Alone?
- Why Have Massive Age Differences Long Been Common in Gay Dating??
- women turning gay after dating men.
- 7 Signs Your Boyfriend Is Secretly Gay: How to Tell If He's Hiding His True Self | PairedLife.
- ‘Honey, I’ve got a secret’ : When gay men come out to their wives?
Who cooks? Who cleans up?
Who grocery shops? Who picks up the dry cleaning? Often, making a list and then discussing how to divide it can be a discussion at home, or in session. Gay male relationships where there is a parenting factor involved differ from straight relationships mostly in that same-sex parenting needs extra support.
Family — In gay male relationships, the role of one of the male partners in taking care of aging parents can be an issue, similar to straight couples. Fortunately, for most of the gay couples I have worked with, there have been surprisingly few seriously hostile in-law conflicts. More often, the son-in-law is treated as a full member of the family, which is a nice thing to be able to say about the current times we live in.
Fun — Fortunately, one huge and consistent benefit I have observed in gay male relationships over straight ones is that gay couples consistently demonstrate a youthfulness, playfulness, and sense of fun, especially with peers but also alone with each other. While this is common to affluent gay male couples, even middle class or working class gay couples seem to have an extra sense of discovering fun, creative pastimes. Men are physically larger than women, so they can go through a lot of alcohol and food at events hence the stories of the first all-gay cruises running out of alcohol on board!
A friend of mine once said that he believed gay men had particularly-evolved critical thinking skills.
While two gay men might love one another in their relationship, they will still subtly compete with one another to others, like most males in the animal kingdom. This can be a certain mutual benefit, but it can also be a source of competition or even resentment of what the other has that he lacks. We want to make ourselves attractive to each other, but we also tend to want to be recognized and admired in our own right by others. For gay male couples, loving and accepting the self individually and in context of each other, and society at large, can be a challenge.
Politics — I think gay male couples are just simply more affected by politics, changes in laws, and changes in society than straight couples are. When we watch the evening news, or read news outlets online, they are often talking about us as gay men.
7 Signs Your Boyfriend Is Secretly Gay: How to Tell If He's Hiding His True Self
That just puts an extra stress on the day, in addition to the fact that the Internet service provider is down or that the cat just threw up grass on the carpet. They're not related the man is actually 42 and my bf is He has and stronge smell came from his butt befor shower and after shower he always on the toilets don't like to be touch no cuddled no conversation with me only happy around men very loud so people notic him expressly men delete all male callers etc He has all the signs and more to it.
I always thought he was cheating or gay. But apparently he just might be both. My high school boyfriend and I were each other's first, both late bloomers and neglected kids. He had sexual encounters as a youth with a boy neighbor. His 19 year marriage to an older frigid woman ended in divorce after we reunited.
Gay Men’s Relationships: 10 Ways They Differ From Straight Relationships
It's been 5 years and he is very attracted to men who look like him and wants to be with a man. We have sex on overdrive and attend swingers events and parties as exhibitionist. He wants to have sex with every woman there and now men, but hasn't yet.
Last night he commented that he would like to be with a man when I next leave for a weekend. I'm thinking he is bi but not sure. Do not date this man again. Jesus, this guy did all of this to you--even gave you a disease--and you're still just concerned about the fact that he might be gay? Since I don't know him personally, there's no way to know if he's really gay. From what you describe, I personally would assume he's neither gay nor straight--plenty of people are somewhere in between. However, as I said, there's no way you or I can know for sure.
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Only he knows that. The fact that he was increasingly impotent probably has nothing to do with his sexuality, though. He's an older guy, which means his testosterone levels might have taken a dive. This hormone is essential for his performance. Supplements don't really help this much; only direct administration of testosterone will raise his levels significantly. Also, he takes nervous system depressants like alcohol on a regular basis.
This combo of age and drug abuse will almost certainly make any guy have performance issues.
Gay Men’s Relationships: 10 Ways They Differ From Straight Relationships | HuffPost
You deserve more than the way that he treated you. If he's addicted to drugs, the drugs will always come first for him. It sounds like he doesn't have every high standards for his life, so why would he have high standards for your relationship? Having unprotected sex with him especially in the back entrance, which is more dangerous is a bad idea as well, especially if you suspect that he's been fooling around. Extra especially if you suspect that he has been fooling around with other men with no protection. Just don't do it. There are nice men out there who would be happy to be in a committed relationship with you and wouldn't run around doing drugs or two-timing you.
The first issue I see here is that if he made those appointments during your relationship not before you got together , then he cheated. That's a bigger problem than his being with a trans lady. Unless you have an open relationship or something. To answer your question, though, lots of guys find trans women to be taboo and exciting.

Believe it or not, most of those guys are straight. The vast majority, in my experience. I've known many, many trans women, and most of their boyfriends are straight. I've also known a few trans ladies who were working girls, such as the kind your boyfriend might have visited, and most of their customers are straight men.
If you think about it, it kind of makes sense: Gay guys are interested in men, not women. It's uncommon, in my experience, for a gay guy to be attracted to any kind of woman, transsexual or otherwise.
- Why Have Massive Age Differences Long Been Common in Gay Dating? - MEL Magazine.
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Though it does occasionally happen. So most guys who are into trans women are straight, and some might be bi. Like you said, it is sometimes true that a closeted gay guy might try to experiment at first with a trans woman if he's in denial. However, if he really is gay and only interested in men, he probably wouldn't do this multiple times. Being with a trans woman is a very different experience from being with a man, and most gay men would not find it too exciting. But i guess got scared of reality and we ended up together almost 5 years.
The reason we aren't together is he had numerous affairs and my gut says that they all weren't just with women. But he still days hes straight. Hes 40 years old 3 kids 3 different mommas and never bern married. I was to blind to see all his red flags. I have been with my man for almost 3 years. The first time we decided to have sex he apologized to me due to his inability to get and maintain an erection.
I just figured first time performance issues. We moved in together soon after and not only did this issue continue but the frequency of attempts at having sex diminished greatly. He continued to have erection problems all the time.