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Deanna Jannat-Khah. Within the United States, alternative tobacco product ATP and varies by geographic region, gender and age. Few articles have been published on the usage of these products among the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or queer LGBTQ population. A web-based anonymous survey administered through Google Forms, was used to collect data on current tobacco usage, knowledge and beliefs from adult heterosexuals, homosexuals, bisexuals and transgendered persons residing in New York City from May to July Sixty-four individuals completed the survey; 30 were heterosexual and 32 identified as either lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or queer.

Heterosexuals were found to have tried cigarettes, on average, almost a year before the LGBTQ respondents. For heterosexuals, On average respondents knew of eight different tobacco products, regardless of sexual identity. Medical History.

Jan To provide complete and appropriate care for patients requires an open dialogue built on trust. Though LGBTI patients have many of the same health concerns as the general population, there are particular issues of medical and surgical health that are distinct and should be considered when collecting the health history; we specifically make mention of issues related to cardiovascular disease, cancer, obesity, and surgical interventions.

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Given the extensive history of discrimination and abuse by the health care community, LGBTI patients have long been providing peer referrals to providers that have demonstrated culturally competent and compassionate care. If the encounter has provided for at least the beginning of an open dialogue, LGBTI patients will continue to seek care. The more positive encounters that occur between the health care professions and LGBTI population, the sooner disparities in health care outcomes in LGBTI patients will be understood and addressed. Oct Dean E Schraufnagel Ann M. Social and economic factors are major contributors to respiratory health disparities.

Considering the two separately sometimes can help better understand the basis of disparities, although often it is their interrelationship that affects health outcomes most. Poorer people compared within a country or between countries have a greater prevalence, morbidity, and mortality of most respiratory diseases than richer people. The prevalence of smoking and lung cancer have historically prevailed in high-income countries, but this is changing with control of tobacco promotion, as the tobacco industry turns to low- and middle-income countries to maintain sales.

Social factors, which underlie tobacco use, are also important risk factors for respiratory disease. Members of minority groups are often marginalized in society, leading to negative health outcomes. Both social and economic disadvantages can make it difficult for people to access health care; those factors interweave to amplify disparities in many respiratory diseases, including asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pneumonia, tuberculosis, and sleep apnea. Intragroup variance in LGB tobacco use behaviors: Evidence that subgroups matter, notably bisexual women.

Sep Emerging evidence suggests bisexual populations are at increased risk for a variety of negative health outcomes, including tobacco use. Lesbian, gay and bisexual LGB populations are at increased risk for cigarette smoking, but research on LGB subpopulations' use of tobacco products beyond cigarettes and tobacco use differences across LGB subgroups is in its infancy.

This study explores differences in use of tobacco products across LGB subgroups, including gender differences among bisexuals. This study reports results from a nationally-representative cross-sectional online survey of U. Weighted tobacco use prevalence and adjusted logistic regression results are reported. LGB populations reported higher current use of any tobacco product This is the first US adult population study to assess differences in use of various tobacco products across adult LGB subpopulations and by gender, confirming their increased risk of use and illuminating differences by subgroup and gender.

Tobacco-related LGB health inequities, particularly among bisexual and lesbian women, may be greater than previously indicated. Women and Lung Disease. Sex Differences and Global Health Disparities. May There is growing evidence that a number of pulmonary diseases affect women differently and with a greater degree of severity than men.

The causes for such gender disparity is the focus of this Blue Conference Perspective review, which explores basic cellular and molecular mechanisms, life stages and clinical outcomes based on environmental, sociocultural, occupational and infectious scenarios, as well as medical health beliefs.

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Due to the breadth of issues related to women and lung disease, we present examples of both basic and clinical concepts that may be the cause for pulmonary disease disparity in women. These examples include those diseases that predominantly affect women, as well as the rising incidence among women for diseases traditionally occurring in men, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease COPD.

Sociocultural implications of pulmonary disease attributable to biomass burning and infectious diseases among women in low- to middle-income countries are reviewed, as are disparities in respiratory health among sexual minority women in high-income countries. The implications of the use of complementary and alternative medicine by women to influence respiratory disease are examined, and future directions for research on women and respiratory health are provided.

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Melissa N Laska. We assessed disparities in weight and weight-related behaviors among college students by sexual orientation and gender.

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Sexual orientation included heterosexual, gay or lesbian, bisexual, unsure, and discordant heterosexual heterosexuals engaging in same-sex sexual experiences. Dependent variables included weight status derived from self-reported weight and height , diet fruits, vegetables, soda, fast food, restaurant meals, breakfast , physical activity, screen time, unhealthy weight control, and body satisfaction.

Bisexual and lesbian women were more likely to be obese than heterosexual and discordant heterosexual women. Bisexual women were at high risk for unhealthy weight, diet, physical activity, and weight control behaviors. Gay and bisexual men exhibited poor activity patterns, though gay men consumed significantly less regular soda and significantly more diet soda than heterosexual men. We observed disparities in weight-, diet-, and physical activity-related factors across sexual orientation among college youths. Additional research is needed to better understand these disparities and the most appropriate intervention strategies to address them.

Am J Public Health. Published online ahead of print November 13, Aug Am J Publ Health. We investigated sexual orientation-related differences in tobacco use and secondhand smoke SHS exposure in a nationally representative sample of US adults. Lesbian and bisexual women evidenced higher rates of tobacco use than heterosexual women. Among nonsmokers, SHS exposure was more prevalent among lesbian and homosexually experienced women than among heterosexual women.

Nonsmoking lesbians reported greater workplace exposure and bisexual women greater household exposure than heterosexual women did. Identical comparisons among men were not significant except for lower workplace exposure among nonsmoking gay men than among heterosexual men. Nonsmoking sexual-minority women are more likely to be exposed to SHS than nonsmoking heterosexual women. Public health efforts to reduce SHS exposure in this vulnerable population are needed.

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National surveillance data are needed for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender population, a group which has been shown to have unique health needs. This study uses data from Legacy's Young Adult Cohort Study, a nationally representative sample collected in the summer of to examine patterns of tobacco use by sexual identity. Prevalence estimates for tobacco use were higher among young adults who self-identify as sexual minorities compared with those who identify as heterosexuals.

Tobacco use is strongly associated with alcohol and other drug use in this population. This study highlights the significant disparities in tobacco use behaviors among sexual minority populations and the critical need to conduct surveillance among these groups. Jun Am J Publ Health.

We investigated associations between minority sexual orientation and mortality among US men. We classified men into 3 groups: Groups were then compared for all-cause mortality, HIV-related mortality, suicide-related mortality, and non-HIV-related mortality. Compared with heterosexual men, MSM evidenced greater all-cause mortality. Research demonstrates that lesbians, gays, and bisexuals i.

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All LGB racial groups had higher cigarette smoking prevalence than their heterosexual racial group counterparts. Given the higher prevalence of multiple forms of smoking among sexual minorities, the heterogeneity within sexual minority populations and the nuances of multiple identities i. Prevention, intervention, and epidemiological research on smoking behaviors among college attending young adults should take into account other forms of smoking, such as hookah use. Tobacco use among sexual minorities in the USA, to May A systematic review.

Mar Tobac Contr. This paper examines the prevalence of tobacco use among sexual minorities in the US through a systematic review of literature from to May No language restrictions were used. When agreement was not reached, a third reviewer acted as arbitrator. Abstracts were included if they presented data collected in the US from to May and reported prevalence or correlation of tobacco use with sexual minority status.

Studies reporting data from HIV-positive samples were excluded. Factors relating to study design and methodology were used to assess study quality according to nine criteria. In the 42 included studies, measures of tobacco prevalence or association were reported. The available evidence points to disparities in smoking among sexual minorities that are significantly higher than among the general population.

Ongoing, targeted interventions addressing smoking among sexual minorities are warranted in tobacco control programs. Show more.

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