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Why You Should Date Taller Women (And Women Should Date Shorter Men)

JVV GS. Wrote the paper: Previous research has shown repeatedly that human stature influences mate preferences and mate choice in heterosexuals. In general, it has been shown that tall men and average height women are most preferred by the opposite sex, and that both sexes prefer to be in a relationship where the man is taller than the woman.

However, little is known about such partner preferences in homosexual individuals.

We also examined whether height preferences predicted the preference for dominance and the adoption of particular sexual roles within a couple. Our results indicate that preferences for relative height in homosexual men are modulated by own height, preferred dominance and sex role, and do not simply resemble those of heterosexual women or men. Human mate preferences and mate choice are known to be substantially influenced by physical characteristics of potential or actual mates [1] , [2]. Previous research has repeatedly shown that sexually dimorphic traits positively affect mate choice criteria [3].

Human stature seems to be one such indicator: In general, these studies reveal that, on average, tall men and average height women are most preferred by the opposite sex, and that both sexes prefer to be in a relationship where the woman is shorter than the man [9] — [12] ; this is tempered, however, by recent evidence suggesting that the latter preference is stronger in women than in men [8] , [13]. It should also be noted that these height preferences seem restricted to Western populations [14] , [15].

There is some evidence to suggest that the increased attractiveness of taller men extends from the laboratory into more naturalistic settings, as taller men are more successful during speed-dating [7] , [8] , have partners who are judged as more attractive [16] , and report a higher number of sexual partners [17]. Some studies have even reported that taller men have higher reproductive success [18] , [19] , although a recent, comprehensive review suggests that, among Western populations, it is men of average height that produce the most offspring [20].

A potential evolutionary rationale for why women prefer taller men is that height acts as cue of male mate quality. Indeed, it has been shown that, on average, taller men are healthier [21] — [25] and live longer [26] than shorter men. Female preferences for male height may thus be interpreted as a preference for health and longevity in a mate. The fact that there are limits to female preferences for height adds circumstantial support to this argument: Height may also serve as a cue to male dominance for review, see Buunk et al.

Moreover, people stereotypically judge tall men as more dominant and assertive [36]. From an evolutionary perspective, these findings suggest that height may serve as an indicator of competitive ability against rival males [28]. Thus, in addition to potential health and longevity benefits, women may prefer taller men because they are more likely to be dominant and hold higher social status. Although, on average, women prefer taller over shorter men, while men prefer women of average height, [5] , there are also systematic inter-individual differences in height preferences.

Furthermore, taller men and shorter women tend to prefer larger partner height differences [10] , [37] than those who are shorter, which is hypothesised to increase the pool of potential partners available to such individuals [10]. Such self-similarity preferences are also observed in actual pair formation: Finally, it has been shown that both men and women avoid extreme height differences in their partners: This latter preference may also be adaptive, as women in couples with a larger than average height difference experience a higher risk of birth complications [41].

Although heterosexual preferences and choice for partner height have received considerable attention, little is known about these among homosexual individuals.

Why Shorter Men Should Go After Taller Women

Previous studies report that homosexual men show a male-typical mating psychology, including an interest in casual sex and sexually explicit visual material [42] , as well as showing male-typical mate retention behavior [43]. Similar to heterosexual men, homosexual men value physical attractiveness in their potential partners more than heterosexual women [44] , and they prefer potential partners who are younger than themselves [45] , [46]. Thus, it seems that the effect of gender on variation in partner preference is stronger than the effect of sexual orientation [47].

Having said this, homosexual men also prefer men who are described as typically masculine [48] ; in particular, they prefer masculine male voices [49] and faces [50]. There are, however, striking individual differences in preferences for facial masculinity in homosexual men: Preferences for sex-typical traits i.

Based on a North American and Latino American sample, it has been suggested that anal sex between homosexual men not only represents activity leading to sexual pleasure, but is also connected to other personality, or interpersonal factors, such as masculinity and sexual power - the same being true for heterosexual individuals [53] , [54]. Specifically, it has been shown that men who exhibit a passive role in sexual intercourse are perceived as more feminine, whereas the opposite is true of men exhibiting the active role.

The main aim of the current study was to explore height preferences and actual partner height characteristics of homosexual men. We also examined whether preferences were influenced by the preferred role adopted during sexual intercourse and the preferred dominance role in a relationship. In particular, we examined the influence of preferred and actual sexual roles i. Given that height has been shown to relate strongly to dominance cues, we predicted this would be related to the dominance relationship between partners, with those expressing a preference to be more dominant preferring shorter partners relative to those who prefer to be submissive.

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In general, according to interpersonal theory, the dominance dimension is one of the two primary dimensions of interpersonal behavior in addition to the affiliation dimension [56] , [57]. Complementarity of dominant and subordinate behavior also serves to regulate aggression and conflict and facilitates cohesion in social group encounters including dyads [58].

More precisely, we hypothesized that men who prefer to be rather dominant towards a potential partner will prefer shorter partners, while men preferring rather a submissive role in their relationships will show preferences for taller men, and a similar pattern was also expected to appear in actual same-sex couples. All participants were recruited via snowball sampling through the use of mailing-lists obtained for our previous studies, and through advertisements on Facebook.

All participants were of Czech origin. Data were collected through an online questionnaire using Qualtrics Qualtrics Inc. At the start of the survey, the participants gave their informed consent via an online form. This required a mouse-click to confirm their willingness to take part, and enabled them to proceed to the survey.

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Only measures relevant to this study are reported below. Participants were asked if they had a stable male sexual partner at the time of the study. In total, There were missing values on relationship status for twenty-two men. Each participant reported on his height in cm. To assess preferences for stature differences between a participant and his ideal partner i. Variation in height differences was set up in the following fashion: The data on variation in male height was based on a representative sample of Czech adult men [59].

This resulted in 9 drawings of male couples that varied in their relative height, centred on a couple of equal height see Figure 1.


Participants were asked to select the drawing that depicted the preferred relative height difference between them and their ideal partner, and were subsequently asked to select the drawing that depicted the actual relative height difference between them and their actual partner. Participants who were single at the time of the study, but reported having a stable relationship in the past, were asked to indicate the relative height difference between them and their most recent former partner.

The question asked: We used Pearson correlations to examine the associations between self-reported height and preferred and actual relative height among partners the data were normally distributed. Given that we ran several correlation analyses, we have a greater probability of making a Type 1 error i.

After applying a Bonferroni correction, all reported findings remained significant, except one, which had an uncorrected p-value of. We report p-values without corrections. All analyses were performed using SPSS As shown in Table 1 and Figure 2 , The horizontal line reflects a preference for a partner of similar height. Visual examination of Figure 2 shows that, on average, men with partners of the same height would have preferred to be shorter than their partners, whereas men who were either much taller or much shorter than their actual partners expressed a preference for a smaller height difference Figure 2.

This effect was more pronounced, however, among men who were much taller than their partners Figure 2. A paired samples t-test indicated that, on average, men preferred smaller partner height differences than they actually experienced mean difference: In other words, most men would have preferred to be less tall or less short relative to their partner Figure 2.

Figure 3 shows that very tall men preferred to be slightly taller than their partner, whereas average height and short men preferred to be slightly shorter than their ideal partner. Height was divided into 2. The horizontal line reflects no partner height difference. Height correlated positively with both preferred and actual relative height among partners. Most notably, taller men expressed a preference for a smaller height differences than they actually experienced Figure 3.

The largest proportion of men A substantial proportion of men Results for the association between relative height among partners and preferred sex role within a relationship were very similar to those concerning the preferred dominance role. In this study, we first examined preferences for relative height among non-heterosexual men. I lean toward no. I know what it felt like to be raised as one. As a little kid, all you want is to be liked and have as many friends as possible. When I met Navedo this spring, he told me he was just back from Savannah, Georgia, where he broke things off with a military guy he was seeing.

Navedo was looking forward to a summer on Fire Island, working as the assistant to hoteliers Mati Weiderpass and Ian Reisner, who set off a firestorm when they hosted a reception for and donated to the virulently anti-gay Senator Ted Cruz. Navedo, 30 and Puerto Rican, told me that he often surprises people with the amount of dick he gets. He shared a story about meeting a guy out one night on Fire Island and bringing him around his friend group the next day. People think I must have an issue or it must be hard. After four years they returned to New York.

He has been out as gay all of his life. If you asked me, I would tell you, but I never had to announce it. If I closed my eyes while Navedo was talking, I would have heard the words of a confident gay man who is very much on the scene and invested in nightlife.

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He said his work is a far bigger hindrance to relationships than his height. When he talked about other little people, though, he reminded me of a different type of gay—one who adamantly does not get along with his brothers. I earn the respect that I get. I dealt with that in junior high, and it was done. Like many in nightlife, Navedo talks at length about wanting out. He said that foresees a 9-to-5 job in his future, like the internship he had when he studied to be a veterinary technician at LaGuardia.

After a year there, she finally looked at him in the eyes. And I get satisfaction when I leave a certain situation that I proved that person wrong. Everything that she had in her life goes to shit. She needs to reevaluate how she lives her life. Related Blogs. For chrissakes, I'm talking about all of us getting laid here!