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Relationships Australia is a leading provider of relationship support services for individuals, families and communities.

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We aim to support all people in Australia to achieve positive and respectful relationships. Safe at Home provides a response to incidents of family violence, and can include intervention by Police and Victim Safety Response Teams and ongoing counselling and support. The service is concerned with people of all ages - children, young people and adults - and services are offered to people in both heterosexual and same-sex relationships. A community based service committed to providing high quality support and information services to survivors of sexual assault in Southern Tasmania, their carers and support people, professionals, and the general public: SignPost is a website specifically for GLBTI people living in North-West Tasmania and provides links to local, state, interstate and national organisations that provide online, telephone or face-to-face information and support services for LGBTI individuals, families and friends.

Other villages or towns close to Hobart where Cruising can be practised

Outside office hours, call the Mental Health Services Helpline: The Tasmanian Council of Social Service is a peak body that lobbies governments on behalf of social service organisations and their clients. Queer Students on campus. Click on the link to send an email requesting further information. Being a TasPride member is about more than just discounts to events year-round — although that IS a pretty special perk, considering that those discounts equal over double the membership fee!

It is really about supporting and connecting with other people who are dedicated to celebrating, uniting and promoting the GLBTIQ community in Tasmania. Click on the link to email a request for the WW newsletter, which contains details of their current activities. A funded service specifically for lesbian, gay, bisexual, intersex and transgender Tasmanians.

Australian Marriage Equality AME is a national, membership-based organisation working for equal marriage rights for all Australians regardless of their gender or sexuality. An Australia-wide organisation offering hospitality and friendship to gay men and women. The ENUF campaign aims to seek the experiences of both stigma and resilience in all of its many and various forms from people living with HIV. It is a campaign that relies upon a whole crowd of people thinking about stigma and sharing their experiences.

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A free service, operated by trained volunteer counsellors. It offers counselling to Tasmanians via a free-call number: An Australia-wide online service for matching people who are looking for gay-friendly share accommodation and people offering it. Life Without Barriers is currently seeking compassionate individuals, couples and families to become foster carers by providing long or short-term or weekend respite foster care for children and young people who are unable to live with their families. We value equality and diversit and welcome people from any cultural background.

When you become a foster carer, the children who come into your home will present both challenges and opportunities.

The challenge is caring for children who have experienced difficult circumstances in their life and may be insecure, frightened and sometimes angry. Mensline Australia is a nationally respected, visible and accessible service that: Telephone Counselling Service: Minus18 is Australia's largest youth-led organisation for gay, lesbian, bisexual and trans youth. You can vote the area and leave a comment for the rest of the community guys know your opinion, and if you want people to know you're in the area, do not hesitate to check in.

Queens Domain

If you know any other places or spots where Cruising can be practised in Hobart, you can add them to the map and share them with the rest of gay people through this link: Add a new cruising spot in Hobart, Tasmania. Join our community to meet people and share experiences Sign up. Find out areas to practice Cruising. Add this spot to your website by copying the code below.

Look for this logo when you are seeking accredited operators around Tasmania.

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It is your guarantee that the operators have achieved the knowledge and attitude that will ensure a quality visit, regardless of sexuality. Rainbow Communities Tasmania and Tourism Industry Council of Tasmania, have partnered to provide a training and accreditation program for tourism operators in Tasmania. Tasmania already has excellent anti-discrimination legislation and this accreditation program builds on it to guarantee LGBTIQ visitors a welcoming and inclusive experience. The public launch of the program has created an interesting debate in Hobart's Mercury Newspaper. See below for the main article, then be sure to scroll right down and click the "Read More Comments" button for the full debate.

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The range of comments show how far we have come in building an inclusive society, but also reveals that we have a bit more work to do. This is of course, not the case. Rainbow Tasmania Tourism Launch. Launch of the Rainbow Tasmania Tourism Accreditation program. Queens Ball: June Long weekend Halloween Ball: Rainbow Tasmania www. Anti-Discrimination Commissioner Administers the Anti-Discrimination Act , provides education to the community and training to the corporate and public sectors. Hobart Women's Health Centre The Centre is run by women and for women and provides a range of health services.

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Hobart Women's Legal Service Free and confidential legal telephone advice and referral service. Toll Free: For the telpehone service, call - Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm.