Online dating how far would you travel gay

It is possible that there might be some prejudice around the edges in areas like Hellersdorf or Marzahn but they arent areas you would go by mistake they are out in the sticks. Im not gay, but even I know of at least one gay club night, Propaganda at Goya http: I have no idea how easy it is to find a gay relationship here, as one one gay friend has approached me, but I would imagine its no harder than anywhere else.

Most Berliners I have met fall over themselves to speak with English speakers and Id image many gay men would be the same. I searched this forum and obviously more widely on Google. Posted 2 Aug In Berlin you've got lots and lots of queer people who have moved to be in Germany's biggest city. There are loads of bars, cafes and clubs here, many of them centered in Schoeneberg, the traditional gay neighbourhood, but many also in Kreuzberg, Prenzlauerberg and Mitte.

Those in Schoeneberg tend to be a bit more German and a bit more older than say in the more international and trendy areas like Kreuzberg, Prenzlauerberg or Mitte, but of course there are exceptions. English is almost never a problem in the gay scene anywhere in Berlin.

Queer Beer on Thursday evenings as mentioned above is a great place to meet people and chat in English. It is normally held at Perlebar in Prenzlauerberg and is a predominantly English native speaker crowd, but there are also lots of English speaking Germans and people from other places that go there too. Some nights are pretty busy, and the place tends to be a friendly crowd, with most people in their 20's's, many of them students, artists, or others just working and living in Berlin.

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In other words, even if you didn't speak a word of German, you could get by pretty well in Berlin and there certainly are plenty of fish in the sea. I am gay, English, 24, and been living here for almost 2 years now. Berlin is a great place to be gay. There is a wealth of gay bars and clubs, with partying amongst gays possible every night of the year. I have found that many German men or even foreigners who have spent too much time in Berlin simply do not know what they want.

So then you have contact again a week later, and meet for a drink. From experience, no matter how fast or slow, it is always too fast. Maybe it is something about me that scares men off, but speaking to other friends, I think it is something about German or Berlin men in general.

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Create a profile on gayromeo. Every gay man in Europe has a profile there. As far as finding a relationship, I'd say it's about the same here as anywhere else you'll be living. A lot depends on who you are, what you want and what your expectations are. Despite what's been written above, not everyone is a slut here.

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Again, it's just like almost anywhere else, your experiences will be influenced by where you go, what you do and who you choose to hang out with. Believe me, there are plenty of nice, grounded guys here but you probably won't find them partying at Berghain at 6am Sunday morning.

Join a gay swimming team, the square dancing club or participate in one of the many other options.


The desire to "assimilate" here seems a bit extreme, particularly within a year. Just come to enjoy yourself and experience Berlin, whatever it may bring. There's no telling what the future holds. Not gay either, but gay German friends of mine were most helpful in getting me set up here in Berlin with timely advice and practical help regarding pretty much everything - Health Insurance, Anmeldung , finding a place to live, Estate Agents, checking that I'd got things right when signing contracts, blah blah blah.

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Very kind, cultured, generous, open-minded and thoughtful people, who are also at the centre of a multinational, multicultural milieu with friends and contacts from all over the world, gay or otherwise. Posted 3 Aug I'd agree with mikebenda I wouldn't say love is dead here I only started having meaningful relationships once I left the superficial Brummy scene and came over here. I can agree to what Harrow said about the scene though, it is very I'm not the most fashionable person on the planet so I found it really rather hard to fit in.

I don't like Neubaugebiete so I usually try and avoid them anyway, because I find it an assault on my eyes: You're "Checking In" at the restaurant where you've made dinner reservations? Nothing like telling 5, Facebook friends the location of your intimate rendezvous. Do not "friend" your date on Facebook before or after the initial meeting. If you're not a good match and dates are like new restaurants; about one in eight survive , you're both going to share that awkward moment of "Do I un-friend him or keep reading about his 'Why do I always meet losers?

Even though gay men love to label everyone, they despise being labeled. If he's 22 years old and wears glasses and weighs pounds and says "for some reason people tend to think I'm a Twink," feign surprise and say "men are so into labels. If you're over thirty and at least four years older than your date, don't be surprised if he calls you Daddy.

Take it as a compliment; do not take it as a reason to pick up the check. Unless he can juggle or tap dance in bed, "versatile bottom" means only one thing, so be prepared to take charge if things go well. If you're lying when you call yourself a "versatile top," either call it quits now or start working on your oral communication skills. If he insists on taking "important calls" several times during your date, don't automatically think he's blowing you off. In today's complicated world, he might be calling work, his sitter, or his ex-wife to see if she can pick up the kids.

Chill out, and use the time to call your sponsor for encouragement. In the old days, it was common, and common sense, to say that, if you sleep with someone, you are also sleeping with everyone he's slept with. Nowadays, it's common sense to remember that, if you sleep with someone who's in a Step program, you are also sleeping with everyone in his Home Group. Be prepared to be judged by all the members of the orgy.

If you've met the guy online and have never met in person, and if his entire chat so far has been about how amazingly hot you are and how amazingly much he's into you and how he's quite certain you're the guy for him, he will hate you within 20 minutes of your date and you will never hear from him again. If you request an explanation, he will call you a stalker and block you from any social media sites you might share. While it's nice to have a grasp of current events and knowledge of local culture, it's no longer a first-date pre-requisite.

However, if you don't have an immediate answer for "Do you want to get married? Contrary to popular belief, opinions are not like assholes, because in today's gay world, assholes are glorious and sexy and displayed prominently in photos sent to you from potential suitors. Opinions on a date are more like your lesbian best friend: We know she's important to you and we're glad you have her, but we have no idea why you'd want to introduce us to her on a first meeting and turn the evening into a serious downer.

If you do opt to discuss current events, avoid anything so controversial it will destroy potential chemistry, like Crimea, Obama's job performance, or the relevance of HBO's "Looking. Fashions change, so know the basics: No flip-flops, no shaving, and, even if it is after Memorial Day, absolutely no white underwear. If you like the guy and want things to go well, put everything out on the table:

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