Gay short film dating

Marie and Steven appear to be a happy couple, but Steven's secret relationship with another man begins to threaten his idyllic home life. Johan Vancauwenbergh Stars: Not Rated 14 min Short, Comedy, Drama. Lawrence Jefferies and Hugh Greerey have just met. They both have had girlfriends in the past Thirteen or so minutes later, however, something's happened and things have changed.

William Branden Blinn Stars: Nick Soper , Carlos Salas. The arrival of a new student in school changes Leonardo's life. This 15 year-old blind teenager has to deal with the jealousy of his friend Giovana while figuring out the new feelings he's having towards his new friend, Gabriel. Daniel Ribeiro Stars: Seduced by the music and atmosphere he finds himself in a Dan Brody Stars: Two friends go on a hike to the desert. In the desolate wilderness something hidden comes out in their friendship.

Consequenses to Giving a Stranger a Ride Home - Gay Short Romantic Film 2017

From then on, the only way they manage to communicate is sexually and Guy Sahaf Stars: Dor Ronen , Ziv Shalit. Not Rated 14 min Short, Drama, Romance. Shabbat Dinner is boring as usual for William Shore. His mother has invited two crazy hippies and their son and is doing her best to show off, his father is drunk and berating their oddball Michael Morgenstern Stars: Not Rated 15 min Short, Drama.

A sheltered, sensitive teenager visits his tough, older cousin in Laredo, Texas and learns a hard lesson about what it means to be a man.

Nick Oceano Stars: Closeted gay boy Matthew is having a bit of trouble keeping his feelings to himself and Joe Orton outta his daydreams. Jules Nurrish Stars: Kid Vargas is forced to face up to some devastating truths after he kills his opponent in the boxing ring.

List of LGBT-related films

The first Israeli film that deals with bullying among teenagers, ADAM centers around a high school student whose declaration of love to another boy leads to hostile reactions from his Segev Gershon Stars: Sin Ruta is a two-way narrative attempting to open up the discussion on illegal migration across two worlds and reflect on social issues in smaller countries. Teo is a gay musician from the Not Rated 20 min Short, Drama, Romance. Ultra Bleu follows Jim Park for the first 24 hours after a violent break up with his ex-boyfriend and how a chance meeting with a stranger reveals deeper issues he must confront.

Nick Neon Stars: Joey, an image-conscious 22 year-old student swept up in a new city begins to fall into an addiction of drugs to repress his inner demons. Gage Oxley Stars: Not Rated 20 min Short, Drama.

Gay short films that were good for the gay community - IMDb

Inspired by the alarming increase in real-life tragedies involving high school bullying and suicide, Teens Like Phil tells the story of a gay teen, Phil, and his former friend, Adam, who brutally bullies him. Dominic Haxton , David Rosler Stars: An 18 years old UBundesliga player with a pretty girlfriend - that's Jonathan. A gay liar, using girls as an alibi - that's Jonathan too.

Torn between the world of football and his sexual orientation, he has to take a decision. Find showtimes, watch trailers, browse photos, track your Watchlist and rate your favorite movies and TV shows on your phone or tablet!

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IMDb More. Copy from this list Export Report this list. Refine See titles to watch instantly, titles you haven't rated, etc. IMDb user rating average 1 1. Sort by: Slow 13 min Short, Drama 6. Silver Road 13 min Short, Drama, Romance 5. Laundromat 13 min Short, Comedy, Romance 6. One on One 10 min Short, Comedy, Romance 6. Le weekend 15 min Short, Romance 4.

Steam I 15 min Short, Drama, Romance 4. He's also a closeted gay teenager who's just coming to terms with his sexuality and his attraction to a fellow team-mate.


Judd King Stars: James leads a lonely life in a luxurious castle. He never goes out with friends. One day he finds himself interested in an injured, handsome Swedish soccer player. Two friends on a road-trip: The former gets attracted to the latter. Bradley Rust Gray Stars: Jason Herman , Drew Wood. Beneath a railroad bridge a young rural gay man begins to his explore his gay feelings with the aid of an understanding friend.

Michael Burke Stars: When a young Dutch tourist gets stranded at the start of his US vacation, he finds help from an unlikely stranger. Derek Efrain Villanueva Stars: Being gay bashed and left in a corn field in rural America takes an unusual turn when one of the bashers returns with remorse and a secret. Alan Brown Stars: Jay Gillespie , David Clayton Rogers. Alienated from his conservative Jewish family and community, a gay schoolteacher seeks solace in New York's barebacking scene.

Sal Bardo Stars: The Latino doorman of a New York apartment building begins to unravel when he is seduced and then dumped by a privileged college kid who lives in the building. Etienne Kallos Stars: Find showtimes, watch trailers, browse photos, track your Watchlist and rate your favorite movies and TV shows on your phone or tablet!

IMDb More. Copy from this list Export Report this list. Refine See titles to watch instantly, titles you haven't rated, etc.

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Short Film IMDb user rating average 1 1. Sort by: Starcrossed Not Rated 15 min Drama, Short 6. Dare Not Rated 16 min Drama, Short 6. My Friend Jaime 8 min Short, Drama 4. Pool Days 27 min Drama, Short 6. Curious Thing 8 min Short, Drama, Romance 5. Lucky Blue 28 min Short, Romance 6. In Half 14 min Short, Drama, Family 6. A Friend of Dorothy 33 min Drama, Short 7. Silver Road 13 min Short, Drama, Romance 5. Triple Standard 20 min Short, Drama, Romance 5. James I 17 min Short, Drama 6.

Boygame 15 min Short, Comedy, Drama 5. Brotherly Not Rated 11 min Short, Drama 6. Lloyd Neck 16 min Short, Drama 6. Davy and Stu 13 min Short, Drama, Romance 5.

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Running Without Sound 12 min Romance, Short 6. Water 15 min Short 6. Hitch Short 5. Lost Angel 17 min Short, Comedy, Drama 5.