Gay armed forces dating


Take a walk among the dreaming spires and revel in the history of the city. Any Device Gaydar works great on mobile, tablet and desktop, so you can use it on the go or at home. In addition to exchanging intimate wishes and thoughts with soldiers, you will be able to know more about the fascinating world of the armed forces through its daily experiences.

These handy hints should help make it a little easier and ensure that your road to romance remains as bump-free as possible. First let me say that i am brutally honest, I do not lie, nor do Uniform dating are here to help you on your UK dating journey. He is also appreciative. The dating site for gay and bisexual men everywhere Join for free Continue with facebook We will never post anything on Facebook. Efficiency — Now this may sound like a military term however military men are known to be highly efficient, clean and well organized.

Our subscribers have hosted social meet-ups all around the world. Message the moderators to add your event once you have the date and location finalized and a post created for us to link to. New York City July 6th. If your post fits one of our weekly threads, you may be prompted to post in that stickied weekly thread instead. We are most strict about selfie posts being confined to the Monday thread.

Keep in mind you do not need a gay spin on these in order to post. Our currently weekly threads are:. Any gay military here?

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What's it like? Long story short - I have a good job, great friends and family but feel completely and hopelessly lost. When I was younger I debated joining the reserve. I am starting to consider the military again and would like to know what to expect.

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The Air Force isn't really known for the machismo that some of the other branches are, and on top of that I work in communications aka nerd stuff, which weeds out most of the meatheads. I could say that being gay isn't a big deal at all, but I say that as someone that people assume is straight by default. That does, however, provide me with the opportunity to just sit back and observe how people discuss homosexuality when it happens to come up. I was in this CPR training course last year and one of the other guys was telling his friend how he passed the test where you "perform" CPR on a dummy.

His friend goes "Yeah, I knew you'd pass with flying colors; you're the best at putting your lips on other dudes! Any time a "no homo" moment happens, you'll get people saying things like "Well, it is a new Air Force," basically poking fun at diversity initiatives and a more tolerant military. Other than little stuff like that, I haven't seen or experienced any negativity around homosexuality.

Currently getting my bachelors and been thinking about doing OTS after school and this actually makes me really happy to hear then. I am in the Navy. I meet gay guys who stay in the closet because they hear talk from people about "faggots.

I'm out and no one bothers me. The military in general is pretty gay. Boot camp showers are two poles with 5 shower heads on each. Now push 80 Men through in 15 minutes or less. Also let's get rid of bathroom stalls and just use curtains. You see a lot of ass and dick. It makes you desensitized to it. Expect a small percentage of the farm boys to be weird about it but expect a majority to not care and a few who want to know if you think they're hot for their confidence. It's nothing to worry about. Respect yourself, your personal boundaries and that everyone is different and comes from a different place.

If you get butt hurt over a guy saying somethings "so gay" than you are going to be upset about a lot of things. Point out what you don't like and let slide what you know is common talk. What i get a lot of the time is "just cause i say something is gay doesn't mean i don't like gay guys, it's just a word like shit or douchebag I get that when a guy first learns I'm gay and then hears himself say it.

I tell him I don't care, cause I don't, and that I know what he implied by it. He also showed me he acknowledged my feelings and that's better than what I expected. I also am not a small guy and i am not feminine. Like i break the stereotype because i'm masculine and the feminine guys make them feel weird.

You just set them straight and tell them to shut the fuck up because everyones different. Then you point out the chronic masturbator getting it on to henti without closing the curtain, and the furry with no shame, and the guy who sends all his money to a k-pop band in south Korea, and the guy who let's his wife beat him to gets his rocks off and ask how the one feminine dude is the weird one. I have friends in the Navy who've had similar experiences. However both told.

Dating a Gay Marine

Navy is what you make of it. I really am enjoying my time but as the saying goes "Choose your rate, choose your fate" and i just chose correctly. It's like with anything else, if you respect yourself, your personal boundaries, know how to take a joke, but also stick up for yourself, there really is no issue. Being a pilot, I've had to blaze a few trails, but ultimately people care more about respect.

If I can do my job well, and am not a total dickhole, I'm good. Every once in a while people will slip around me and slip saying something is "so gay", and when that happens, I've practice my response. I say "poor choice of words, but I get what you're saying" and I don't make a big deal about it, because ultimately them saying that has nothing to do with me. Hope this helps? PM me if you've got any specific questions. This is a really great response that I'll start using when someone says "that's gay" or "that's retarted. I'm not really offended, and I don't care enough to give a speech or lecture.

But I believe language and words affect culture, both locally and at-large. It's called the Navy, lot's of seamen but just warning you, it's not gay underway, only in drydocks. I think everyone has summed this up already. But from my perspective after 19 yrs and counting in active Army, it's just like anywhere else, you got a few assholes who don't like it and will badmouth gays, but for the most part the military is accepting, even more so than the civilian sector in some cases.

Even those who don't like it keep quiet because they can get in trouble for discriminating. I personally am not easy to figure out and don't immediately out myself at a new unit by telling everyone I'm married to a man. I prefer to let the. See my work ethic and how I treat people first, give everyone a chance to judge me off what really matters, usually by the time they figure out that when I say "spouse" which is how I always refer to my husband I am talking about a guy they already know me for me, they don't have their preconceived ideas.

In fact, at my previous unit a couple of my close buddies and I were notorious for being "that group" that told all the innapropriate jokes, and picked at each other with the usual stereotype and even race jokes. If you need structure in your life, look no further. Dating a man in uniform is a surefire way to guarantee everything happens exactly as planned.

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  7. We gay military men are old school when it comes to romance. Think about it — has a man in uniform ever gone out of style? To this day, our culture fetishes military men and with good reason.

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    Most all of us have advanced training with college degrees. We can hold our own in conversations and then some! To a fault, most military men are strong and this is particularly true of gay service members. A good sized portion of military personnel will live in different locations several times over the course of their careers.

    This allows us to be exposed to different types of people. The end result? I realize that not every single trait here applies to every single gay guy in the military.

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    Editorial note: Gay Pop Buzz would like to thank all who serve in the United States military. We owe you a debt of gratitude that can truly never be repaid. It was just our first date. Zack from California Fresh out of a 2-year relationship that ended amicably, I found myself living […].

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    I just got sick and tired of guys dropping off the face of the earth for no reason. After seeing the guy who ghosted me getting off with two guys I lost it. Alex […].