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Two Canadian researchers recently asked almost cisgender folks if they would date a trans person in a new study published in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. This is the first study to ever attempt to quantify the extent of trans discrimination when it comes to romantic and sexual relationships. The options included cisgender man, cisgender woman, trans man, trans woman, or genderqueer, and participants could select as many genders as they wanted. Virtually all heterosexuals excluded trans folks from their dating pool: Romantic relationships are one of the most important sources of social support for adults.

The fact that most cis people would not consider trans people as potential dating partners is yet another serious risk factor for increased psychological and physical health problems among the trans population. Surprisingly, among the participants open to dating a trans person, almost half selected a trans person of a gender incongruent with their stated sexual orientation. Digging even deeper into the choices of cis folks willing to date trans people, an interesting pattern of discrimination against trans women in particular emerged among those who would be expected to be attracted to women: There was no similar discrimination against trans men among those expected to be attracted to men: Primary transsexualism".

American Journal of Psychotherapy. Secondary transsexualism". Double Cross: Violence and the Body: Race, Gender, and the State. Indiana University Press.

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Rosario scrutinized how transgenderism has been described in relation to homosexuality and heterosexuality in both the revised third edition and the fourth edition of the [DSM]. However, sexual orientation was based on one's birth sex, so that an FTM who was attracted to women would be deemed a female homosexual transsexual, whereas an FTM attracted to men would be considered a female heterosexual transsexual.

These diagnoses were especially confusing since a female homosexual transsexual — that is, an FTM who desires women — would actually identify himself as a heterosexual trans man. And an FTM who desires men, a female heterosexual transsexual, would self-identify as either a gay man or a queer-identified FTM. A Review of the Literature. Female-to-Male Transsexuals in Society. Sexual Orientation of Female-to-Male Transsexuals: A Comparison of Homosexual and Nonhomosexual Types.

Surrogate phonology and transsexual faggotry: A linguistic analogy for uncoupling sexual orientation from gender identity. In Queerly Phrased: Language, Gender, and Sexuality.

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Anna Livia, Kira Hall eds. Transgender Survey" PDF. National Center for Transgender Equality. CS1 maint: Multiple names: Mythological, Historical, and Cross-Cultural Aspects. Transsexual and Other Disorders of Gender Identity: A Practical Guide to Management.

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Google books: Radcliffe Publishing. Hollerbach, for the Catalyst Consortium. October Journal of the American Oriental Society. University of Chicago Press. Genderation X.

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The Journal of Sex Research, Vol. Female-to-male transsexuals in society. Pauly Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation. In Dallas Denny , ed. Current Concepts in Transgender Identity. Sadock, Harold I. Kaplan A Year Follow-Up".

New Research Shows a Vast Majority of Cis People Won't Date Trans People

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Kockott, E. Fahrner Male-to-female and Female-to-male transsexuals: A comparison. Self-made Men: Identity and Embodiment Among Transsexual Men. Just Add Hormones: Leather community debates trans exclusion at upcoming contest. Retrieved Playful Awakenings". Introducing STS to trans and sexuality studies". The First Lady.

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My Story. She's Not There: A Life in Two Genders. Archives of Sexual Behavior. A Transgender Primer. Full Report" PDF. Archived from the original PDF on Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis". Implications for Public Health Intervention". Am J Public Health. Bodily autonomy- confessions of a transsexual sex worker". The Independent. Archived from the original on The Mystery of Larry Wachowski. Jarhbuch Fuer Sexuelle Zwischenstufen.

Measures of Transgender Behavior. IJT 3,3, "Archived copy". Morrow, Lori Messinger Gender dysphoria syndrome--the conceptualization that liberalizes indications for total gender reorientation and implies a broadly based multi-dimensional rehabilitative regimen".

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Western Journal of Medicine. Transgender topics. Gender dysphoria In children Health care Pregnancy Sex reassignment surgery therapy to female to male. Category Portal. Lesbian , gay , bisexual , and transgender LGBT topics. Academic fields Discourse. Community Culture. Gender identities Sexual identities Sexual diversities. Asexual Bisexual Heterosexual Homosexual. Detransition Erotic target location error Gender and sexual diversity Gender binary Gender essentialism Gender roles Hermaphrodite Human female sexuality Human male sexuality Intersex Sexuality and gender identity-based cultures.

LGBT history. Mollies Urnings. Rights and legal issues. Biology Birth order Demographics Environment Heterosexual—homosexual continuum Homosexuality and psychology Kinsey scale Klein Grid Neuroscience Prenatal hormones Sexual inversion Sexual orientation change efforts Conversion therapy Sexual orientation identity Timeline of sexual orientation and medicine.

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Social attitudes Prejudice Violence. Retrieved from " https: Transgender sexuality Human sexuality. Hidden categories: Archived copy as title Articles needing additional references from June All articles needing additional references Wikipedia articles needing clarification from March Articles to be expanded from June All articles to be expanded Articles using small message boxes All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from March All articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases Articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases from May Articles with unsourced statements from June Articles with unsourced statements from March Wikipedia articles needing clarification from May