Narcissistic heterosexual men target their hostility primarily at heterosexual women, the objects of their desires, study finds. Retrieved April 14, from www. The research affirmed that women place more trust in dating advice from Results of the three Independent studies suggest a Researchers asked participants to evaluate a fictional Below are relevant articles that may interest you. ScienceDaily shares links with scholarly publications in the TrendMD network and earns revenue from third-party advertisers, where indicated. Boy Or Girl? Almost All of Us Do! Changing How a Country Types: Hello, Kitty: Living Well.
View all the latest top news in the environmental sciences, or browse the topics below:. Calling someone a narcissist means placing them beyond the reach of empathy: What does it mean that narcissism has become a default explanation for behavior we find baffling and abhorrent? Incorporating personal experience, psychoanalytic theory, plus critical readings of social science and pop culture, she examines a host of familiar contemporary villains: The narcissists are everything that we — those of us who situate ourselves in the first-person plural of upstanding, right-thinking moral rectitude — are not.
Nowadays, the narcissist tends to look more like the bad boyfriend who menaces female readers of self-help books. Narcissism scholarship abounds: Their findings are carefully quantified and also totally vague. Lasch traced the way specific clinical traits psychiatrists observed in narcissistic patients were now inculcated in society at large. Americans had lost their sense of historical continuity; the potential end of the world had left them uninterested in future generations.
Meanwhile, they were bombarded with mass-media spectacles and stuck in meaningless, bureaucratic jobs. Table 4 Regression analyses of personality variables predicting mate poaching in men and women Study 2.
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Table 5 Regression analyses of personality variables predicting mate poaching in men and women Study 2. Discussion The results from Study 2 revealed that grandiose narcissistic women reported more frequent attempts at mate poaching; this does not appear to be the case for the formation of new exclusive relationships. Materials and procedure Upon arriving to the laboratory, participants completed written informed consent. Results We first centered all variables prior to computing analyses.
Table 6 Correlations between predictor variables and mate poaching outcome variables Study 3. Table 7 Regression analyses predicting mate poaching variables Study 3. Fig 1. Fig 2. Materials and procedure As in Study 3, participants completed written informed consent upon arriving to the laboratory and were then seated at a computer. Results Prior to computing analyses, we first centered all variables.
Table 8 Correlations between predictor variables and mate poaching outcome variables Study 4. Table 9 Regression analyses predicting mate poaching variables Study 4. Fig 3. Fig 4. General discussion Consistent with other self-report research [ 17 , 18 ], our Studies 1 and 2 found that grandiose narcissists report that they have more frequently engaged in mate poaching.
Table 11 Regression analyses predicting mate poaching variables combined. Conclusion Although grandiose narcissists tend to report having engaged in more frequent mate poaching tendencies, they do not report a greater interest in people who are already partnered. Funding Statement The authors received no specific funding for this work. References 1. Yorzinski J. Same-sex gaze attraction influences mate-choice copying in humans. Miller J. Comparing clinical and social-personality conceptualizations of narcissism.
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