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Use film and TV in my classroom. Read research data and market intelligence. Alex Davidson Updated: Weekend Few countries can rival the UK when it comes to making great and diverse gay films.

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This may come as a surprise from a country where male homosexuality was illegal until as recently as , and where gay marriage continues to ruffle right-wingers, swivel-eyed or otherwise. Yet despite their often taboo nature, films with gay characters have been around since the silent era. So what key British gay films are out there? And if you like Vicious millions seem to , you may get a perverse kick out of Staircase , a dreadful vehicle for Richard Burton and Rex Harrison as two ageing queens in a perpetual state of mutual- and self-loathing. Each of the recommendations included here is available to view in the UK.

This list should really be a Top 11 — the omission of Sunday Bloody Sunday , the first British film to feature a gay kiss, is borderline inexcusable. Borderline But gayest of all remains Borderline , a hotbed of sexual passions set around an interracial love triangle.

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It was directed by Kenneth Macpherson , the editor of the landmark film journal Close Up — sadly, following the poor critical reviews for Borderline, he did not direct again. First a Girl In this zingy comedy, based on the German film Viktor und Viktoria , Matthews plays a woman who earns her coin pretending to be a man who masquerades as a female impersonator.

Matthews is fantastic, but Hale matches her as her supportive mentor, himself a drag queen, who at last gets his moment in the spotlight in an unforgettable final number. The story was adapted again in as Victor Victoria , starring Julie Andrews in the lead. Victim Dirk Bogarde , an actor who never acknowledged the rumours of his homosexuality during his lifetime, took a real career risk in playing a lawyer who, following a string of blackmail attempts against gay men, begins to realise his own sexuality.

Made when gay sex was illegal in the UK, it could have been a career-ruiner, but instead saw him progress from matinee idol roles to meatier arthouse fare. Did this film help change the law?

10% of the US?

Victim was released four years after the publication of the Wolfenden report, a paper which recommended that male homosexuality no longer be regarded as a criminal offence. Rather, the debate has continued to evolve as the medium has become more inclusive and gay audiences have sought greater range and more nuance in their on-screen alter egos. It included an outrageously camp comic-relief figure, Mr. Humphries , played by John Inman, whose sexuality was never addressed — a reflection of an era when TV could not countenance openly gay characters.

It was all nudge-nudge, wink-wink. It was a character that was in the closet and, I thought, very sad. Breen said of Mr.

Eichner said of these characters. What matters, Mr. Eichner added, is context. McKellen said. And even these were very much about straight people play-acting than any serious comment on evolving sexuality. Everybody else had to stay in lane, their labels hanging over them. A sign things could be changing, for the better, are men who are comfortable with their status as a man who sleeps with men, and refuse to be bound by labels.

Years after his straight-guy experience at uni, Robin somehow once again found himself in the middle of another heterosexual man's coming-out story. At first Robin assumed this was just an ego boost, but when Luke battled depression and none of his female flings were on the scene, Robin found himself as primary source of care and comfort, and feelings grew from there.

10 great British gay films

And I thought that was adorable, and sensible, and kind of romantic. While some men may both have the strength of character and also the front — and it takes plenty of that, be under no illusion — to reject these labels and still be open, it should be said that labels can sometimes facilitate this. All the time, and not too far away from us, LGBT people are fighting for the right to call themselves LGBT, but for your right to define yourself however you choose — gay, straight, fluid, curious.

Just as out gay men have a duty to protect themselves from others forcing their own will upon them, maybe those refusing to conform should acknowledge their sacrifice and honour them by supporting the gay and bi brothers who keep their secrets. In private, in public, wherever. Meet the most advance sex robots ever and the men who fall in love with them. By Laura Rutkowski. By Sarah Manavis.

From foursomes to judging those who have sex on a first date By Justin Myers, The Guyliner.