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This means both in terms of technique and in terms of your opening up and relaxing physically and mentally. Lubrication will make you feel exited, it will make foreplay that much easier and if you are having a fun time time without any pain it will be penetration much more easier when you are ready. A technique that usually works is to push slightly with your anus against the dildo or penis and distract yourself either with some quality gay porn.
That way, your anus will open up.
Douching can help with this, but may not be necessary. Experiment with how you sit, kneel, squat or stand as well as you might find some ways are easier than others. Remind yourself, with the dildo, about what it is like being a bottom when having sex. Let your self go with the old feelings and get ready to enjoy them again.
Results for : gay big cock
You might even want to do this with your partner there. This will include the gay sex positions which allow you to open up most fully. Some say a deep missionary is best for this, while others prefer a doggy style position, with the ass really angled up from the lower back. So, by following these simple tips you and every gay man can now experience how great anal sex is.
PJ Weir was employed at the Gay Exchange for over a decade and was a regular contributor to the blog. He is a gay activist and an advocate for same sex marriage.
PJ is proud of his aboriginal descent and has remained in a long term relationship with his partner Darren. PJ left work in late as his mother fell ill. He has moved to Queensland where he has become her full time carer.