Gay dating guide in ga

Better Way to Meet BW2M was launched on October 6, , by two friends who were weary of using mobile apps and online formats to meet guys. Old fashioned matchmaking for gay men looking for love. BW2M clients meet with a consultant face to face, where they are screened and counseled. There are no apps or online profiles to scroll through, because the BW2M consultant does the matching for each client. Clients are matched and sent on interactive dates e. Currently, BW2M has one full-time staff member and uses contractors to recruit new clients and assist with matching clients.

BW2M clients meet with their consultant at local eateries in Atlanta e.

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Clients really appreciate the relaxed atmosphere. BW2M meets with every client face to face to make sure each client is ready to be in a healthy relationship. BW2M has a credentialed professional counselor on staff, and is the only matchmaking service owned and operated exclusively by gay men in Atlanta. Yes, the service is confidential. A BW2M consultant does the selecting, and obtains permission from a client before sharing his information with a potential match.

As of October , BW2M has over clients utilizing the service with an percent success rate.

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We define success as two clients who are still dating or interacting after their initial date. During the consultation phase, most clients feel like they are dating their consultant, because we [BW2M] really get to know our clients intimately to assist with finding the right match. An initial consultation is free of charge and typically lasts about 45—60 minutes while having a cup of tea or adult beverage. Afterwards, clients are scheduled for their first date.

Charming Gay Singles in Atlanta Are Searching for Love Online

If you want a quick encounter that may only last for one night, by all means, continue to use mobile apps. Mobile apps are great for meeting guys quickly for adult fun!

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However, if you are searching for a more meaningful, safe, and fun way to meet guys, then you should definitely consider BW2M. BW2M allows guys to develop genuine relationships that are long lasting and fulfilling. What is your advice to a potential client who might be on the fence about trying a dating service?

Are you still single?

Gay dating in Atlanta is going from strength to strength, thanks to this singles site. If you are looking for a partner nearby, using this online dating resource is definitely the best way to do it.

Fun Gay Dating Site for Meeting Men in Atlanta, GA

All sorts of friendly gentlemen are looking to establish connections in this wonderful part of Georgia, USA and this is by far the best way to get to know any of them better. Men seeking men in this state have been submitting their details to us for some time. If you wish to get acquainted with any of these friendly individuals, all you have to do is join our dating service and then begin flirting.

Our community of gay singles are active and engage regularly with new people on the site, making it easier for you to find someone suitable for you. Our online dating service makes it so much easier to find the right person for dating in Atlanta, Georgia. We can help you find great local matches in your area. Avoid taking the easy way out by sending a text and just be bold asking someone out in person!

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