Gay dating someone with same name

And it took until the turn of the century for the U. The porn industry, meanwhile, has made the age differences of their stars a central taboo. Dan Savage, the iconic gay sex columnist, has taken a practical view: That said, many gay men contine to view intergenerational romances with judgement and suspicion. And a year-old chef approaches younger dates with trepidation. Gay men I reached out to expressed similarly conflicted feelings about exploring their own daddy fetishes. Others came to embrace their age preferences later in life.

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An advertising executive in his early 30s tells me that he was initially creeped out by attention from older guys, but realized his own ageism while studying abroad in South America. I realized, Oh, this is only as weird as you make it. Becoming a fully realized gay man also means shedding some of the toxic ideas you absorbed as a child. Some said their views of older gay men had been affected by the wild theories their families had concocted about their own coming outs. That's weird. Sorry, but a man named Laura would be too strange.

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Find all posts by CanvasShoes. I briefly dated a girl with the same name as my sister. It was beyond weird but I put up with it as she was exceptionally hot. I tried to advert some of the awkwardness by pretty much calling her "Babe" or some other pet name exclusively. I think the last straw was when I accidentally texted my sister a rather graphic "sext messege" No pictures just dirty talk Honestly, we broke up for legitimate reasons but man, I don't know that I'll ever date a girl with that name again.

View Public Profile Find all posts by Grrr! I know a couple who are both named Alex. It's a little weird occasionally, but nothing major. Last edited by Ephemera; at Kamino Neko. Oddly, I have a strongly male-gendered first name, and I'd only have an issue with it if the potential romantic partner was a guy - it would be something of a turn on to meet a gal who had it it's weird, I know, but I have a 'thing' for cross-gendered names. With a name like Jamie, I've found myself in this situation more than once in my life.

Why Have Massive Age Differences Long Been Common in Gay Dating?

I don't have any issue with it at all, and I actually find that it can make for a great ice-breaker. What I do is I say I spell Jamie the "masculine" way and all the others are "feminine" varieties. Tongue-in-cheek, of course. Originally Posted by chiroptera. I have the same name as my brother's girlfriend.

This has led to some embarrassing and deeply disturbing text messages intended for her being received by me. Lynn Bodoni. One of my husband's brothers has a daughter named Nickie. He also has a son named Nicholas. Nickie's husband is named or called Nick. I always get them confused. I'm also an Alex, and I think it'd be weird dating another Alex but I'd get over it pretty quick if we were otherwise compatible.

My wife and my mother have the same name. Again, a little weird at first, but you get used to it. OTOH, in the nearly 20 years we've been together I've probably referred to my wife by her name no more than a few dozen times. I have a generic first name, and yes I've dated girls with the same name as me.

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It made it interesting when we went out and someone who knew one of us saw us and called out our name. Originally Posted by gaffa. My first and middle name are the first and last name of a famous male comedian, who I happen to loathe entirely and who happens to play a character with the same first name on TV. You probably just figured out who. Consequently I have a reflexive negative opinion of men with our first name. I would date a woman with the name, though. It's fairly common in my age bracket, and it wouldn't bother me if I had a connection with the woman.

Originally Posted by Antigen. I know three similar-named couples, and it gets annoying when I call their house and need to ask for "lady-Chris".

Last edited by Namkcalb; at Who would even have pause about such a silly thing? Originally Posted by GuanoLad. I know someone named Lisa, whose brother married someone named Lisa, so she loses the uniqueness of her name, to, of all people, her sister-in-law. I'm sure I could get past it for the right person, but it would be off-putting.

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I think it's probably pretty obvious what my real name is. I had an Aunt and Uncle Reg. You'd think one of them would go by the full version of their name, but no.

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This is the 'Aunt Reg who had no legs and eventually no arms' that I've mentioned before. Find all posts by SciFiSam. I've done it.

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I used to go by a nickname that could be used by males or females. I casually dated a guy with the same name for about a month or so. I had a female fuck buddy that went by the same name. It was weird sometimes when people would say my name and I would be sure if they were addressing me or the other person. Since I never really got seriously involved i.

Now I'm married to a man with a very different name from me. Grey area. I'd find it amusing more than anything.


Probably easy fodder jokes among friends, I could throw in a little quip about being narcissistic and that would probably be the extent of it. Assuming I was attracted to her, I'd have no problem dating a girl with my name, or a boy with the masculine version of it. It'd be nowhere near as weird as dating someone with the same name as my brother or sister I'm not sure if I could do that. My cousin, who goes by J.

L, married a woman named Joelle. John DiFool. I met 2 different couples on my recent trip which had this-Jamie and Jamie, and then Chris and Chris tie.

Couples with the same first name: Gay marriage and homonymy.

Never had met any other couples like that, ever. My name is techically unisex, but considering that I've only met male Shannons twice my entire life, I would find it a combination of odd and off-putting. I'd like to claim I'd be able to get past it if the guy was great, but considering I couldn't when guys have shared my dad's name, I think the claim would probably not hold up in practice.

Find all posts by elfkin I have a fairly unisex name. Wouldn't bother me at all. All times are GMT The time now is About Us "Nam ad partem tibique suscipit, ut duis etiam integre usu. ST's vBulletin 3 Responsive Styles Our newly refreshed styles in , brings the old vb3 to the new level, responsive and modern feel.

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